well if it was me i would have not even went near him or would have asked him to join me in to the shower then wash him or her down
should have told him you don't like cottage cheese!
If you know him well and for a long time surely you could have ask him to have a wash first without offending him
I think that is terrible ..... and disrespectful. I would not want to go down on a smelly pussy so i would not expect a woman to chomp on my chopper if it was not clean.
You should of asked him to clean himself before you continued and if he did not like it then tough, no more games.
eeeeeuw,,,,deeply disturbing,,if I had the slightest inkling that I had stinky bits I wouldn't let anyone near me :shock:
This can be arranged :P :P :twisted: :twisted:
Now who can I get to wash my back?
what was it then? :shock:
Well i'm sorry but i would have refused to play with someone who was unclean, not being funny but sod his feeling he didn't care enough for you to have a shower first then why should you care about his feelings, if he hadn't washed in this weather he must have known he was smelling and let u carry on anyway :shock:
ur a kinder person than me cause i would have walked out
I do understand about not wanting to hurt peoples feeling but as i have already said, in this weather if he had not had a bath/shower he must have known he was a bit smelly, god in this heat you can smell yourself, and expecting you to carry on anyway :shock: is not the kind of person who should have his feelings spared, what about your feelings?
the thing about people who smell is that word gets around quickly!
it only takes you having one meet when you are not clean before most decent people will refuse to see you.
understandable really.
speaking as the person who was expected to put up with the smell... rather than the stinky one!
Hi Onlyme,
I am s-o-o-o-o with you on this one. I have put up with what you've described for exactly the same reasons as you. Everything else is going well but - oh dear.
I have - had - one friend who would drive a long way to see me after a long day at work. A couple of times I got him into the shower on the pretext of how sexy it was. Actually, rubbing Badedas all over each other is quite sexy. But he never got the message. He is no more.
We SHOULD say : "I will worship every part of your body in turn if you would only make sure it is fresh enough for me' but we don't. Cos it isn't sexy and it isn't romantic.
But also - changing the subject a little - I think we are 'programmed' to respond to some people and not others. There have been occasions when the lack of freshness has been tolerable. OK more than tolerable - sexy even. When the person is who your genes think is a good match then their smell turns you on. Yes? No?
I don't know about everyone else, but I'm pretty paranoid about it myself. I'm afraid that I'm not 'nice to know' even though I fresh out of the shower and smelling of that lovely fizzy stuff that makes millions of bubbles. So I try to be very sensitive to any hesitation in my partner - so far seems ok, but I'm still paranoid.
Is it safe to assume that if you are fresh and thoroughly showered and smell sparkly clean to yourself, you're acceptable? I hope so otherwise it will be Jeyes Fluid rinses for me for ever. :shock: