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Ok read all my new Xmas present books by Boxing day, in dire need of new reading material and any suggestions are welcome as i visited book shop and library recnetly and saw nothign of interest. I will read most things and all genres from sci fi to fantasy through horror and non-fiction. I'm afraid I draw the line at Mills and Boon and most chick lit. Anyone with any ideas as i'm currently getting tired of re-reading the shampoo and bleach labels confused
Hi Smaug
Try The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho - amazing read, beautifully written, thought provoking and for many life changing
pink x
Just finished "The Wrong Boy" by Willy Russell, which was rather good. It's written in the form of a series of long letters (that will never be sent) from a troubled 19 year old to Morrissey - don't worry, you don't actually have to listen to any of his "songs".
Very funny in parts, quite uncomfortable reading in others.
The Alchemist, i might well give a try, seem to remember reading a good review or two about that and forgotten until you reminded me Pink. Hmmm Morrissey, now without wanting to upset the multitude of Smiths fans out there, he's not amongst my favourite artists, but saying that i will read nearly nythign so if I see it in a charity shop, car boot or library I might give it a go.
My recommendations are: Wintersmith - Terry Pratchett, though worth reading his earlier ones too!
Emperor series by Conn Igulden
Lords of the North series by Bernard Cornwell always a good read
many more too numerous to list!!
Tricks of The Mind by Derren Brown
Just finished this. Great book - funny and informative.
Brian Lumley - Necroscope
fantastic book
EArthy xx
revelation space: alastair reynolds.
Porno - Irvine Welsh
Wuthering Heights - Bronte
Four past midnight - Stephen King
Anything by Primo Levi
Never Let me go - Kasuo Ichizguro
The Villa, The Lake the Meeting - some historian
Anything by Webster
Tales of Mystery - Edgar Allen Poe
The Trial - Franz Kafka
Silvi Hudvedst - Things I loved (something like that - great book)
Donna Tart - Secret History (sorry cna't remember exact title)
The Romantic Movement - Alain De Boitton - though he's rather pretentious
Books i enjoyed over Christmas - all very good reads
Amber xx
Quote by ambervixen
Donna Tart - Secret History (sorry cna't remember exact title)
Amber xx

that'll do..hehe
a very very good book!
in my humble blah blah
Quote by LondonPlaything
in my humble blah blah

:shock: I've got one of those, can't make the fecker behave though rolleyes
Try the Deagonlance trilogy and the resulting spinoffs. Tracy Hickman is co author, good escapeism lol
I've banged on about this on other threads but I'm determined not to be the only person whose read this:
The Adventures of Brigader Gerard by Arthur Conan Doyle.
A comedy set in the Napoleonic Wars
Death to the French
Not a comedy set in the Napoleonic wars but the origin of Cormwell's SHARPE books
You could try this thread
jesus Amber, where do you fit in all your swinging while reading all those books!!!!!!!
gitfinger, loved the wrong boy, its a great book, very sad story i suppose but full of laughs at the same time.
just read the new irvine welsh book, bedroom secrets of the master chefs, was good if a bit strange and warped in places!! ( Do many english people read irvine Welsh, and if so do you find it difficult due to it the dialogue mainly being edinburgh slang? "ken whit a mean, like?"
And finally i crumbled and read Harry Potter after years of avoiding it, maz bought it for me, and i will be going out to get the next in the story myself!!!!!
Venus In Furs by Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
An Unquiet Mind - Kay Jamison
Plain Truth - Jodi Pacoult
Am i the only one who likes Harry Potter books. redface surprisedops: :oops:
louise xx
Quote by louise_and_joe
Am i the only one who likes Harry Potter books. redface surprisedops: :oops:
louise xx

I must confees that the only books I have bought on the day of publication are the later Harry Potter books.
I can't wait for the final instalment.
Is Snape a good guy or a baddie??
Quote by mazandden
warped in places!! ( Do many english people read irvine Welsh, and if so do you find it difficult due to it the dialogue mainly being edinburgh slang? "ken whit a mean, like?"

warped is good though...innit?
I read Trainspotting (several times, loved it... and Porno
have to admit, the lingo took a bit of getting used to, but i found once I was used to it... it really helped *get into* the books, and the characters.
in fact I liked it so much, I started thinking in a Glaswegian accent!!!
Hawksmoor, another book I keep banging on about, has sections written in old english... and that had the same effect.
another book... Im sure it was *and the Ass Saw the Angel* >nick cave< was written in a very perculiar style... it appears the style of a writer can have quite an effect.
>on me at least... or maybe Im just shallow dunno <
anyway... back to Welsh and his accents... 'em
Quote by keeno
Am i the only one who likes Harry Potter books. redface surprisedops: :oops:
louise xx

I must confees that the only books I have bought on the day of publication are the later Harry Potter books.
I can't wait for the final instalment.
Is Snape a good guy or a baddie??
Noooooooo Snapes a baddie. :shock: He killed Dumbledore in the last one. The big question is does Harry die in the new one? dunno
louise xx
Quote by louise_and_joe
Am i the only one who likes Harry Potter books. redface surprisedops: :oops:
louise xx

I must confees that the only books I have bought on the day of publication are the later Harry Potter books.
I can't wait for the final instalment.
Is Snape a good guy or a baddie??
Noooooooo Snapes a baddie. :shock: He killed Dumbledore in the last one. The big question is does Harry die in the new one? dunno
Snape killed Dumbledore true but...
In the first class of potions in the first book he claimed to be able to bring people back from the dead. Dumbledore and Snape argued before the fight, was this because Dumbledore wanted Snape to kill him, remember he was bound by an unbreakable oath.
Snape's a goodie and Harry dies.
louise xx
Quote by keeno
Am i the only one who likes Harry Potter books. redface surprisedops: :oops:
louise xx

I must confees that the only books I have bought on the day of publication are the later Harry Potter books.
I can't wait for the final instalment.
Is Snape a good guy or a baddie??
Noooooooo Snapes a baddie. :shock: He killed Dumbledore in the last one. The big question is does Harry die in the new one? dunno
Snape killed Dumbledore true but...
In the first class of potions in the first book he claimed to be able to bring people back from the dead. Dumbledore and Snape argued before the fight, was this because Dumbledore wanted Snape to kill him, remember he was bound by an unbreakable oath.
Snape's a goodie and Harry dies.
louise xx
You may be right but i cant wait to find out. They are amazing books to read even at my age. I will be sorry when they end.
Louise xx sad
I have loved the way the books have got darkwer and darker. The first one was a boarding school adventure for wizards. But each successive book has introduced all kinds of hoorible stuff.
Sent to prison without trial
The rise of Voldemort and Hitler are too similar. (sorry I used the H word)
It's dark dark stuff masquarading as kids books.
Quote by keeno
I have loved the way the books have got darkwer and darker. The first one was a boarding school adventure for wizards. But each successive book has introduced all kinds of hoorible stuff.
Sent to prison without trial
The rise of Voldemort and Hitler are too similar. (sorry I used the H word)
It's dark dark stuff masquarading as kids books.

Yes but the horrible stuff is cleverly disguised. Thats what makes it so appealing to all ages. Even my 4 year old likes watching the films, which if they werent Harry Potter films they would be quite scary for her.
Louise xx
Anyone read Round Heeled Woman by Jane Juska. She's a woman in her 60's who advertises 'that she wants to meet a man and have lots of sex', but it would help if he liked Trollope (the author that is).
Very funny, very human.