usually neither, actually.
:twisted: ooooo, very nice
Commando .. always!...
unless im in uniform then have to wear something..(usualy tight fit boxers).
I wore nothing once and got my balls stuck in the zip, it hurt like hell. I finally managed to get the skin out of the zip and then it started bleeding. It was really painful for the next two weeks so i always wear something in between. Pref. Boxers.
how did i lose you its only what they tell me
I'd say nice tight boxers and the occasional male thong.... lovely
Deffinatelty boxers much more comfartable
Well boxers are great in the right place,like York Hall or Wembley but I wouldn't fancy 'em round me knackers.
mmmm neither
i prefer commando to
but if they gotta wear them .............a nice pair of boxers .tight n white
I like both, it's a mood thing. ..or sometimes what's top in the drawer since nobody would describe me as a fussy dresser.
Chavs?Plymouth?Have they spread?
Hijack over.