Omg...... i'm sitting here slowly starving to death........ i was in such a hurry this morning.... i didn't have time for breakfast......
I have been thinking about hot toast all morning.........
Or..... Crunchy Nut Cornflakes with icy cold fresh milk.........
Or evenwarm croissants with raspberry jam and butter.......
What did you have for breakfast this morning........??????????????????????????
equi-princess xxx
( seriously thinking about sending someone out to get me something to eat..... lol)
i don't do breakfast, never have since i was a kid so i'm ok ta :smug:
Haven had mine yet going to get it in a minute hot buttery toast and mug of milky coffee and then that is me fro the day until tonight.
Ahhh, the eternal debate in my life.....Get up for breakfast or just another 10 minutes in bed.
Guess I'm weak, but I seem to have given up breakfast a long time I guess that leaves me in bed with NN while you lot munch your toast/cornflakes?!
porridge oats and tea helps you keep it up all day
Lol Runrig - oh and nice nickname! (Thinks about getting one called Alba)...
cool, so we're up to three in the non-breakfast bed!!!
..the remains of last night's Chinese...yuk...but at least it beats a bottle of cider from a brown paper bag....mmmmm!
Blonde - the more the merrier and all that.....shame there isn't an Emoticon for massive cheshire cat grin!!
Crunchy Nut Cornflakes at 10 to 6 this morning :crazy:
Today it was a nice strong mug of tea, followed by half a canteloupe melon and a glass of fruit juice.
Then I'm ready to take on the world. :sparring:
Basket Case
Off work sick today - so it was boiled egg and soldiers like my mum used to do!
Sort of a late breakfast/early lunch.
Having been given the recipe for cheese on toast the other day in the chatroom, and following a telephone conversation this morning . . . . . . .
Very thinly spread marmite :scared: under cheese, on toast.
It wasn't half as bad as I thought it would be, but I think that's because the devil's spawn was smothered with the taste of the mature cheddar.