Best fools and horses moments...well the two best have already been mentioned ....the light fitting and the bar. As much as I love it they should have left it at the final episode where they became millionaires .....the moment when they walked into the bar for the first time to a round of applause from the regulars makes me well up even now(don't know why something about the underdog having his day.) Then, having come fresh from Rodney buying them a Rolls Royce each Del boy, puffing on his cigar says " drinks and sandwiches for everybody on me" Rodney says "no Del you get the drinks I'll get the sandwiches", " No Rodney you got the rolls I'll get the sandwhiches was Dels response ...
simply wonderful!
Also whilst not a rioutous comedy but it did have its moments of wry observed comedy ..was Coupiing
Agree that Coupling is unusually well written (brilliant little plot and other innovative devices) and the actors well cast. Fun.
So - if you lovely gals (and guys)
are such fans, when are you going
to let old Kryten in on some
swinging action? I have
fully functioning hard parts.
Men Behaving Badly had some classic moments....
First episode of the third series of Black Books also showed potential that they might reach the heights of the first series. Simon Pegg's new character was excrutiatingly funny (and a carbon copy of my old department manager at Asda).
You could include "Chance In A Million" with an EXTREMELY eccentric Tom Chance, a man who downs his pints in one go and gets through a hamster a week.
Wonderfully well written with some of the comedy built around the ad-break.
Simon Callow and Brenda Blethyn in top form.
Its the only T.V. Poll I've ever entered and my vote had to be for Del Boy. Pick any episode and it will still beat the rest hand down.
As for those of you who mentioned Friends
Its AMERICAN!!!!!!
My personal rule is they have to make me laugh out loud no matter how many times I watch them.
1. Blackadder.
2. The Office.
3. My Family.
4. Bottom.
The last one appeals to a part of me that has never, ever grown up and probably never, ever will.