Quote by Robert1961
im in blueyonder, part of my telewest package with phone and tele as well
I dont get any trouble, always find customer services ok.
yep it does cost 50p a minutes to contact the tech team
but i have never called them in 3 years.
the only trouble i ever have is with my msn that keeps dropping out and dumping me off.
Quote by couple_ne2000
Ours is Blueyonder. Customer service is crap. Calls to the help desk are 50p a min and all they do is put you on hold and can never find the cause of any problems - but the broad band package is part of the Telewest telly and phone deal and can't afford to pay for it seperatley with another company
Quote by mike48
ive been with ukonline dial-up mnth for a year now
i,m about to sign up to broadband mnth with unlimited download not quite sure wot it means but i,m on the net bout 10 hrs a day...is that a good deal ?
gratefull for any help here
.......n a big HI to u all.....got to say best site on the planet
Quote by barewolf
I have just moved from BT Openworld to Carphone Whorehouse's Talk Talk package. The reason being, I had a 576k business account with BT costing £35 / month, that I had for two-and-a-half years. As BT are now advertising 1Mbps @ I asked them to change mine to 1Mbps and reduce my monthly rental. The answer? Sorry, "New customers only!" It even says that in the small print at the bottom of their TV ad! And I thought the Nationwide BS ad was a joke!
So I migrated my account to Talk Talk, 1 Mbps @ / month, unlimited download, and, included in the price, they take over your landline telephone billing... calls guaranteed to be cheaper than BT (or Talk Talk will give you £1,000), free calls to all UK land lines at weekends and free calls to other Talk Talk users ALL the time!
The migration went through seamlessly, I just got a letter from Talk Talk telling me the new username and password, and I continued to use the original BT supplied modem. Didn't need to install anything new, not even software.
Some points though about broadband... (I've been in the Internet and Telecoms industry as a consultant for a while - to subsidise my main job!)... Broadband IS very fast most of the time, but it's not guaranteed. Equipment installed at your local exchange can only support a set number of users... if everybody is online at the same time, the bandwidth and therefore speed, is diluted. In the worst case, it can become slower than dial-up! However, that is rare.
As for download limits, it's a bit misleading.... 15 Gb limit for example... that is 15,000 Mb... the chances of your average user downloading that much in a month is very remote... you'd have to be downloading a lot of very big files... that's why people with download restrictions think it's not policed, the fact is it's unlikely they are getting anywhere near the limit!
On speed again... any connection is only as fast as the weakest link in the chain... i.e. you can only download as fast as the slowest of the two computers... the suppliing server and your own computer. Example: I downloaded some music files last night... I was connected at 1.1 Mbps, but the file transfer rate was barely above 128 kbps... still quick, as a 5 Mb file takes about 30 secs to dowload at that rate... but dictated by how fast the host server can deliver the file, NOT how fast the connection is!