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broadband -which is best to go for , all help appreciated

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Telewest/Blueyonder here. It's also my telly & phone package. Been very good so far, after nearly 2 years only one down time & that was lightning strike in my street blew the attenuator box on the outside of the house. :scared: So overall no complaints
if your gunna get it again your better off gettin 1mb instead of 512k. wannado is quite good with prices starting from a month for 1mb which is 20 x faster than dial up. but with that u only get 2gb data transfer a month. pay and you will get 30 gb a month. 2gb a month should be enough if your just a home user.
bloody hel i sound like a sales man.... would you like a bag?
hope that helps m8
Well you have plenty of recommendations, but I thought I'd make a contribution. I originally signed up with Tiscali, but found them to be VERY unreliable with regular breaks in service which were reported on their service status web page. I was also being smothered by an avalanche of spam.
I then decided to switch, (which took weeks to be completed so make sure you make a good decision! I changed to Demon who are very reliable & professional. AND they employ anti-spam technology which means I virtually never receive any spam biggrin :D :D , & I doubt very much that I will change.
many thanks to you guys for all your replies and many suggestions , theres alot of choice out there by the look of it , to much really im a bit confused now , i,ll prob stick to AOL as my 12 month contract has expired and i can get broadband on a monthly basis rather than a 12 month contract with the option to cancel at any time plus its not that bad and you get a live help option which is good and a freephone help line phone number and the guys there are pretty good with the technology side of fault fixing .
so AOL it probably is i think !!
once again thanks for all your replies most helpfull
cheers PB
Ok havn't read all the posts above but i thought i'd write what i thought about it anyway.
AOL are a good ISP
(internet service provider for teh computer illiterate, not that i'm calling you illiterate but i'm digressing)
They don't have bandwidth barriers so once you've downloaded yoru set limit it costs you more so that is good if you are downloading music and software and suchlike(legally of course rolleyes lol wink )
NTL are also good and cheap as well i find.
300k is a month ish
750k is abotu ish
is bout ish
however they do ahve a download limit but it is hardly worth noticing unless you intend downloading a version of an Operating system(windows,linux etc) in a day as the limit is abotu 1GB(1 gigabyte =1024Mega bytes=1024 bytes=8192bits (bit is a 1 or 0)
and 1Gb limit a day is very good because BT which i havn't had any personal experience of but a friend has and as well as being a slow provider the limit is 1GB a month!! so roughly 30MB a day which is nothing! or at least thats what i read somewhere.
So basically check for speed limit and price and see what youfind suits you.
Hope it helps and i didn't go overboard. I havn't read it through so if it don't make sense then sorry lol.
I have BT (1mb) and 30gb/month download limit for
and I said earlier I have found the support very good.
I'm certainly not computer illiterate (I've been in IT for 24years!), but I still went for an ISP that needed minimum tweaking and that was backed by a reasonably sized company.
We have AOL -n he option - smooth troublefree runnign for the last year.
If anyone goes for this option, a tip,.......their ownscreen advertising offers toll-free dialup when you are not at a broadband enabled location. But they will not give you the tollfree dialup number unless you ask for it (and insist !) - watch out for that as you'll find lurting at s-h can get expensive otherwise.
Telecom Plus for 512 (no dowload limit, unlimited email addresses, 15MB web space and static IP) though as a special for the next month or so you get 1MB instead of 512 until June2005.
Personally when I was looking for Broadband I spent a lot of time lurking in the ADSLGuide ( ) and its forums looking at who was the best for me. I decided on Zen ( ) with Eclipse and Nildram a very close 2nd.
See , like i said . Theyre all pretty much of a muchness. You can check out all the lists and reviews , but you'll find the massive machine which is the computer press will change it mind month to month , if not week to week . Go with one of the big guys , you wont get anything thats significant , or that you can pronounce , any where else.
I have been an NTL customer since they put Analogue into the Glasgow area.
Recently I have been dogged with very poor customer service and have now switched my phone to BT, and my ISP is now Wanadoo.
I have a 1mb Broadband link with Wanadoo for a month and as I don't download that much this suits me. Yes there is a 2Gb limit but unless your downloading movies or albums or very large files then 2Gb is fine.
Incidently I still keep my DIGI TV through NTL.
Quote by glasgowllama
Recently I have been dogged with very poor customer service

Sounds familiar rolleyes They're not known as "NTHell" for nothing ;)
NTL Fault Line Message (just in case anyone missed it on the news):
"You are through to NTL customer services. We don't give a fuck about you. We are never here. We just fuck you about, basically, and we are not going to handle any of your complaints. Just fuck off and leave us alone." - at least it's honest...
Maybe I'm just one of the lucky ones, but I really can't fault NTL. I mean sure, their digital TV service lacks the polish of Sky's and there's still quite a few glitches to work out in their EPG, but their broadband is great.
biggrin hi
been with BTfor about 5 months one problem with local exchange, but cured in mins found them easy to get in touch with,and deal with,{ no i don,t work for them lol }
mate tried wanadoo took 3 weeks to get connected due to there cock up with passwords id etc{give wrong ones to BT so he could,nt connect}
so ends my knowlodge on subject
good luck smile
Best broad band? Surely Goldie and the Gingerbreads, or there's also The Runaways. Or have I misunderstood something? rolleyes