Anyone know if this is quick / slow? Thinking of going to 02 but scared to death I'll break everything in the swapping over process.
I just want Broadband, not a phone etc so any tecchies got any suggestions / comments?
Tested at
Download = 1407kbps
Upload = 120kbps
Thanks Gary.
Apologies if this has already been covered on you tecchie thread :-)
I have a 3usb dongle.. and my other half has landline broadband.. he was watching me working one day, and mentioned it was as fast as the landline.. I would recommend it.. plus you're not tied to a contract with it too.. I rarely have problems.. AND you can take your laptop anywhere with it....
Trying to remember here reference time zones etc.....
I think that 5am our time is peak time for most of the US.....always causes a few bottlenecks and therefore a slowdown dependant on where your trying to connect to etc etc.
Anyhoo, any broadband service recieved through BT lines is never going to reach the offered speed. The run of cable between exchange and house bleeds off some of the signal strength. So unless you live 3 yards from your local exchange forget getting the speed you were sold, it just won't happen. Tis all down to copper cables i believe. (The great con of marketing, small print should always be read!)
On cable internet here, 10meg package no download limits, checked regularly with speedchecker, never been below download speed yet, runs about 450bps upload. Super fibre optics! The utter beauty of it is it costs less than an Orange 2meg connection with a download limit!
Can't recommend it enough to be honest.
Your broadband connection
Test in progress, please wait
Your speed test result: 2.3 Mb
The following services are available to you: ADSL
Virgin Media cable Compare Virgin Media cable products
Be Broadband LLU Compare Be Broadband products
You are connected to the XXXXXXXXX telephone exchange
You are approximately 709 metres from the exchange (straight line distance)
Hi Gary i went on that link and I got the above speed, im paying 10 month for the vigin media 2 MB
sorry if im being thick but is my speed ok as it seems to be running slow these last few days.
Also does it matter if we have 2 laptops and an Xbox 360 running at the same time?
Dongle's are very easy to use...I mean.. Gra has one and uses it on a daily basis!! :rude:
I have a wifi connection to a BT vouyager router, at any one time there may be up to 5 pc's using the connection (adsl via BT, 512k). Most of the time my signal stregnth is low or very low. Would investing in a better router improve my connection, if so what should I look out for?
Sorry for minor hi-jack.
I am with o2 beacue I just wanted internet connection. I find it the slowest I have had out of all the other main brands. It works fine, they are easily contacted...just noticeably slower than I am used to!!
Good luck!