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Bugs and Beasts V3

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177 replies
1 watcher
biggrin Well all things being said this week the Chat Rooms are on faster Servers and V3 went live today lol
We have an improved search facility to put live as well as a few other bits as soon as we are sure that everything is all stable. You should see the new features going on over the next few days/weeks followed by the new Chat Room once we are 100% happy with it.
Can you please list here any BUGS that you see on the site such as missing images or stuff that just is not working right. It will be really appreciated if you list anything that you spot!
Thanks again biggrin
I've sent Nick a screenshot of my scruffy view - it's just weird!
biggrin Thanks Fluffy we will have a look are you using an old Russian PC or something? biggrin
This page needs fixing stuff just seems to float about
the search facility on the ads page.
the distance filter wasn't working.. searched for within 5 miles still got all distances
Quote by Martin_M
biggrin Thanks Fluffy we will have a look are you using an old Russian PC or something? biggrin

Old Russians will now be breaking your door down with complaints about Ageism!!
Michael Dell himself hasn't got such a great PC as me.
STILL weird screens. And tiny wee writing.
Ratings on the Stories page does not seem to work! Have you cleared your Cache and History Jags? wink
Quote by Martin_M
Ratings on the Stories page does not seem to work! Have you cleared your Cache and History Jags? wink

Course I have - buggered up my entire day's browsing, no Internet Bank, no BBC, no lots of other sites! And for all that I get weird.... pale and weird. Pale and weird and tiny text. Pale and weird and tiny text and screwed up pages!
The *select all* button on the search facility is not working, so I can't perv ads in multiple catagories at the same time lol
TJ ;-)
The SM and dogging button icons are the same, also the Ad views counters are not working and there should also be one on the profile page. lol
All will be fixed
I use Mac OSX.2 and the Safari browser. Since the upgrade I cannot log in. There is the log in button but no fields to type my user name and password. Also, the centre of the screen is a white square with nothing in it and surrounding it text is overlapping.
I can use Firefox but as i reported to Sarah who is acting as my mentor, the I Accept button at the bottom of the terms and conditions for Tiered Membership isn't there. Maybe I just cannot see it but I really think it is not displaying. I have tried emptying the cache. This last thing is not so much a problem for now as I am happy with my membership as is but just thought you'd like to know.
Search facility completely gone to pot. Comes up with ads from all over the country, including ads dated as far back as 2003, in reverse chronological order. Hopeless! Please can you fix it, pretty please? sad
Where is the member list?
Small bug as well, when I click on such as reply, search (text boxes in main area) the text shifts out of the box.........weird lol
Quote by kazswallows
Where is the member list?
Small bug as well, when I click on such as reply, search (text boxes in main area) the text shifts out of the box.........weird lol

Click on recent post, on the main forum page.
Quote by Sarah
Where is the member list?
Small bug as well, when I click on such as reply, search (text boxes in main area) the text shifts out of the box.........weird lol

Click on recent post, on the main forum page.
:thumbup: thankyou smile
The clubs page is out of A to Z order, but seems to be in star order
search in photo ads is not working when we select under 5 miles we get ads from all over the country
Quote by Sarah
The clubs page is out of A to Z order, but seems to be in star order

i think you can choose how to see the list, like in name order or rating order?
hi dont know if this a fault with system but up untill today our profile only showed ppl our postcode but now its showing the town and county where we live as well. only way we can get these off is to not let ppl see anything.?????
Quote by sexy-croydon
search in photo ads is not working when we select under 5 miles we get ads from all over the country

I can only get up to date ads if I select the Categorie (spelling?) I want to search in, but I still get ads from all over the country no matter what distance I choose
Quote by Martin_M
Can you please list here any BUGS that you see on the site such as missing images or stuff that just is not working right. It will be really appreciated if you list anything that you spot!
Thanks again biggrin

I regularly check the forums using a pda on a wifi connection.
With the new layout, the view of the forum is totally unusable.
All text is written in a 1 centimetre wide section in the middle of the screen with text all jumbled up and on top of each other. For example the name of the poster, their location etc is shown over the top of the topic of the thread.
When making changes - don't forget the geeks are out there. lol
When I am moving from forum to forum I have to keep logging in again every few minutes!! confused confused confused confused
the distance filter does not seem to be working...still get all ads..ever posted from everywhere
Quote by Sgt Bilko
When I am moving from forum to forum I have to keep logging in again every few minutes!! confused confused confused confused

and they are not in date order just random
Do the little folders look out of focus or is it me dunno
My frames are all over the place- which could I suppose be down to needing to clear my cache! Can anyone explain in numpty terms how to do so on Firefox?
PS I't seems I had the dubious honour of the first locked thread on V3 :bounce:
When I view my profile everything including buttons and text is forced to centre.
version 3 pete lol
in edit:
How the hell did i do that :shock:
Quote by winchwench
My frames are all over the place- which could I suppose be down to needing to clear my cache! Can anyone explain in numpty terms how to do so on Firefox?
PS I't seems I had the dubious honour of the first locked thread on V3 :bounce:

hi sexy wave
go to edit / preferences / advanced / cache, then click 'clear cache'
now can someone tell this numpty (it's early) what V3 is dunno
EDIT: dont bother, just read the title of the thread :doh: rolleyes