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Up until today i really didnt give a crap about the American was until i saw Fahrenheit 9/11.I sat gobsmacked from start to finish at how the so called leaders of the free world could possibly elect a crettin like Bush.
The images were disturbing of the way he has fleeced the entire population of America to be behind a war that wasnt needed,at the expense of so many lives for the sake of crude it looks like in two weeks that the same people who seem to be finally realising that he duped them are probably going to re-elect him.
I'm sorry if this is a bit of a rant but watching the DVD has left me really angry mad .But on a slight possitive,i actually feel proud to be English,because if we were like them we would have bombed the Irish when the IRA were bombing us.
If you know anyone in America,i implore you to phone them and ask them not to vote for Bush!!
How on earth this man got "elected"in the first place is totally beyond was a complete and total farce,with an amazing amount of evidence proving that the appointment of his presidency was completely and totally rigged.
The first 8 months of his presidency up until september 11th,he was on vacation 49% of the time.
They showed on the morning of the attacks that he was visiting an elementary school,it showed when someone went and whispered in his ear that America was under attack as the second plane had sat there reading a book with the kids for an unbelievable 7 minutes before doing unbelievable.
It also showed all of his links to the Bin Laden family over the years in many different forms,and funnily enough those of that family that were in America at the time of the attacks were on the first planes out of the country after.
Apparently im waffling so i might stop ranting,but how on earth can such a muppet run a fecking country when our 3 and 5 year old have more common sense????
I haven't seen the film but i must admit that i agree with both of you...i hate him and his family there only after the oil and the money and power that goes with it....i hope to god he doesn't get re elected, if he does its rigged...
Quote by givemeahug
I haven't seen the film but i must admit that i agree with both of you...i hate him and his family there only after the oil and the money and power that goes with it....i hope to god he doesn't get re elected, if he does its rigged...

Warming the Bed
I always enjoy Michael Moore's work but he does have his own agenda too and Farenheit 9/11 was definitely made to meet that agenda. While it's an interesting film I think a couple of shakes of salt should be added before taking absolutely everything he says as gospel. The film was clearly made to make money as a piece of entertainment and to make a political point, not as an independent piece of investigative journalism.
Having said all that, I agree with everything everyone's said. Bush may be corrupt, but it's the fact that he's so dangerous that scares me. What I really hate is this culture of fear that all politicians are tapping into, inspired by Bush. They think if they scare us enough we'll let them get away with anything whether that's invading third world countries or monitoring all our emails. If Bush gets re-elected I dread to think how many more wars we'll be started in the name of peace and as long as we cling onto America's coat tails we'll be dragged along for the ride.
Cretin he maybe, but 9/11 was an act of war and the free world retaliated, imagine if they hadn't, if they had said, no its ok we'll turn the other cheek. What would have been next, a dirty bomb, a nuclear bomb?
Hitler started out on a soap box, look how that finished.
The fact that the american goverment kept making everyone think that there were going to be terrorist attacks just so when they attacked Iraq the people would think that they were defending the where were the weapons of mass destruction???
Quote by midlandsman1970
Cretin he maybe, but 9/11 was an act of war and the free world retaliated, imagine if they hadn't, if they had said, no its ok we'll turn the other cheek. What would have been next, a dirty bomb, a nuclear bomb?
Hitler started out on a soap box, look how that finished.

The war on Iraq had nothing to do with 9/ Iraqi people had nothing to do with the attack on link has ever been found between Iraq and Bin Ladin,which is more than can be said for Bush and the Bin Ladin family.
Quote by Steve_Lincs
No link has ever been found between Iraq and Bin Ladin

Except that neither of them like America, and must therefore be in cahoots.
Quote by midlandsman1970
Cretin he maybe, but 9/11 was an act of war and the free world retaliated, imagine if they hadn't, if they had said, no its ok we'll turn the other cheek. What would have been next, a dirty bomb, a nuclear bomb?
Hitler started out on a soap box, look how that finished.

um . . . . midlandsman?
an act of war conducted mainly by saudi nationals, funded with US cash ((( Bin Laden funded during previous Russian occupation of Afghanistan, and made his millions with corporate links to the US ))) so we retaliate against . . um . . Afghans and Iraqis? see little logic there i must say! and i'll save the Free World line for another time.

yes scandal, pilgers take is spot on IMHO, and his research is much more meticulous than morre's. try just these two articles for Pilgers take on the real terrorists, the US!

neil x x x ;)
I'd go as far as saying that Bush is probably the most terrifying man on the 's incompetent and scares the shit out of think what he could do if he had a brain :shock:
Threads like this do me the power of good. I am most impressed to see people forming their own opinions and not being led up or down the garden path by the political garbage that is fed to us day in and day out.
Michael Moore is not an independent investigative journalist, bear in mind he only states the points he wishes you to hear.
Is the world a safer place since George Bush came to power...IMHO undoubtedly not!
Is George Bush's brother still governor of California? Shit we're in trouble then :shock:
sorry babe but if that girls bush resembles that poster i wouldnt trust her at all, keep the bush down i say, less bush , donthide things bush, off with the bush, too much bush is bad for you!!!!!!!!! :P
im not the most clued up person on current events, and i don't watch the news if i can help it. So im wrong,
My dad always said if your out numbered go for the biggest one, if you can knock him down then the others will back off.
Quote by midlandsman1970
im not the most clued up person on current events, and i don't watch the news if i can help it. So im wrong,
My dad always said if your out numbered go for the biggest one, if you can knock him down then the others will back off.

Were not trying to put you down,your very welcome to your opinion.
This is a good anti-bush thread.
Right then, since I have stood on the fence about the whole of the war I have yet to make up my mind whether it was for the best or not. Since the war went ahead there is no turning back the clock. However, for the next time (and there will be a next time) can someone give me alternatives that I could look at to make up my mind.
Please don't say war or no war are the options. I would like to know what the real options can be. An option that would have prevented a war
make love not war, someone had that idea in the sixties didbnt they, bring ack the hippies, tats theanswer, trouble is its the hippies ofold that now run theUSA, ah well :cry: wink confused
Bush is proberly the most dangerous man in the world,you don't need to watch a documentary to know that.
Quote by Dave__Notts
Please don't say war or no war are the options. I would like to know what the real options can be. An option that would have prevented a war

I wonder how much will there was to diplomatically remove Saddam Hussein. For the decade after the Gulf War, it always seemed there was a lot of sabre-rattling for a couple of weeks whenever the media were into Iraq, then media attention would move on and - nothing. I can't help but think the contributions of many governments were just to placate public opinion and not enough effort was invested.
As for the war in Iraq, if the diplomatic field proved genuinely barren then war probably was the only choice to remove Saddam. However, I'm still not convinced that removing a petty dictator like Saddam Hussein should have been the highest priority on our list - I think Hussein was someone we could have contained until more important matters were dealt with.
And then there didn't seem to be a clear idea of how to build a post-Saddam Iraq. The govenments seemed to have a naieve, touching belief that the peoples of Iraq would rise up to join us in our anti-Saddam crusade and help us to turn their country into a shining beacon of peace and democracy and unity. And it didn't happen.
Quote by roger743
I wonder how much will there was to diplomatically remove Saddam Hussein. For the decade after the Gulf War, it always seemed there was a lot of sabre-rattling for a couple of weeks whenever the media were into Iraq, then media attention would move on and - nothing. I can't help but think the contributions of many governments were just to placate public opinion and not enough effort was invested.

I noticed that diplomatic options were used for a good few years. Some of them were United Nation sanctions. However, the leaders of the country did not suffer but the ordinary citizens. When the leaders do not share in the suffering, and prevent any upraising of the people by muderous techniques then this option can not.........and did not succeed.
Quote by da69ve
Bush is proberly the most dangerous man in the world,you don't need to watch a documentary to know that.

Ask the mother of the child who was shot in Nottingham. She just may disagree with you. Dangerous is relative
Quote by Dave__Notts
Bush is proberly the most dangerous man in the world,you don't need to watch a documentary to know that.

Ask the mother of the child who was shot in Nottingham. She just may disagree with you. Dangerous is relative
When a man who has an army at his command and likes to but in on over countries affairs ,that makes him dangerous!

As mentioned previously in this thread, refer to any work by John Pilger to see how the greedy bread-head power freaks fuck everyone over. And it ain't just Bush. Blair's hands are dripping with blood. From propping up brutal dictatorships to the arms industry,environmental destruction,unfair trading arrangements and exploiting the resources of "weaker" countries, TB is up to his jug ears in it. mad :x :x
Quote by da69ve
Bush is proberly the most dangerous man in the world,you don't need to watch a documentary to know that.

Ask the mother of the child who was shot in Nottingham. She just may disagree with you. Dangerous is relative
When a man who has an army at his command and likes to but in on over countries affairs ,that makes him dangerous!
An army that is commanded democratically with many checks before its use is slightly different from criminals who shoot weapons indiscriminately. The chances of me being shot by a member of the US forces in the UK and a crimainal shooting me in the UK is a lot less. Or do you know of an impending invasion by the Americans
Quote by Dave__Notts
Bush is proberly the most dangerous man in the world,you don't need to watch a documentary to know that.

Ask the mother of the child who was shot in Nottingham. She just may disagree with you. Dangerous is relative
When a man who has an army at his command and likes to but in on over countries affairs ,that makes him dangerous!
An army that is commanded democratically with many checks before its use is slightly different from criminals who shoot weapons indiscriminately. The chances of me being shot by a member of the US forces in the UK and a crimainal shooting me in the UK is a lot less. Or do you know of an impending invasion by the Americans
Oh yeah so why did he invade iraq against the united nations wishes,the americans don't need to invade us we already have there puppet running our government!
Warming the Bed
Like it or not, you have no pure undoctrinated opinions of your own. The only way an un biased, un prejudiced, properly informed opinion can be obtained is by having first hand knowledge and experience of a subject over it's entire existence.
Opinions are formed by us, the masses, only by reading news papers, watching the t.v, listening to the radio or by getting so-called information from any of the modern media.
Every single piece of "news" we see is poisoned by the media owners political or personal bias/prejudice. Most if not all news papers and news TV channels support or lean toward one political side or the other. Not one of them, john Pilger included, are so pure of heart to report only on fact without adding their personal slant, bending "your" opinion to support their own.
The masses get led from one idea to the next by politicians and others who are out to feather their own nests and make gain for themselves, either financially or pecuniary. It's a sad fact that we all form "our own opinion" from lies, deceit and false or distorted information fed to us by others. confused
Sex God
as a person who can vote in this coming election......
for an outsiders point of view i wouldn't disagree with a single word that has been said..that is why i will vote for kerry....... biggrin :D
but i actually think that bush will win... america is so insular that foreign policy won't make a lot of difference.... sad :( :(
his views on abortion will appeal to the christian southern states, his views on tariffs will appeal to voters in the midwest heartland....and if he and the american media can scare enough people into thinking that kerry will be "soft" then is will be game,set and match...
remember that bush didn't win the popular vote last time.. and he doesn't have to this time either....
sean xxxxxxxx
Quote by Dave__Notts
An army that is commanded democratically with many checks before its use is slightly different from criminals who shoot weapons indiscriminately. The chances of me being shot by a member of the US forces in the UK and a crimainal shooting me in the UK is a lot less. Or do you know of an impending invasion by the Americans

I cannot believe you actually wrote that.
Quote by da69ve
Bush is proberly the most dangerous man in the world,you don't need to watch a documentary to know that.

Ask the mother of the child who was shot in Nottingham. She just may disagree with you. Dangerous is relative
When a man who has an army at his command and likes to but in on over countries affairs ,that makes him dangerous!
An army that is commanded democratically with many checks before its use is slightly different from criminals who shoot weapons indiscriminately. The chances of me being shot by a member of the US forces in the UK and a crimainal shooting me in the UK is a lot less. Or do you know of an impending invasion by the Americans
Oh yeah so why did he invade iraq against the united nations wishes,the americans don't need to invade us we already have there puppet running our government!
i just don't see how you can argue that because there is a risk (still a very small one in this country) of being killed by someone with a gun, Bush isn't the most dangerous man in the world. To be the most dangerous man in the world you would have to be the person who wields the most power over others and therefore most potential to bring harm to those people (and opposing forces) have the largest military force and have a political agenda that would place those people at risk and require the use of your force - all of which Bush represents fully. Its sad that a little girl was killed in Nottingham, but in the instance of being the most dangerous man in the world, simply irrelevant. 'danger' or 'dangerous' may be relative but the title of 'most dangerous' is fairly cut and dry. dunno