Ah what pals you all are suggestions coming in already.
Mrs davej is out in the garden so I am relaying the names to her for approval. Rogers 'Spoutmaster' got me the reply.........................
"your master of F**k All"
without even raising her head from the borders so I guess thats out.
FUN365 : The 'bilko' one I aint going anywhere near. The 'laughing Penis' was relayed into the garden with an answer coming back from behind the forsythia
" makes me crack up every time I see it"
Well.............. just had a look at your profile... HEDGEHOG MILKERS?????? hmm........ could we go on something like that for a name?? Spikey?? Nipple Crippler??
Will still be laughing over it for a few hours!!
Ah dazandlou now there's sensible for you, these guys have been and researched my profile. Now thats stealing a real march, good thinking. Personal view is they make me sound a bit unproachable, you know prickly, insensitive, uncaring, etc,
Unfortunately I better not shout the names too her just yet cos she is cursing me at the moment for being on the pooter when she is out working away so to appease the little angel cake I am gonna nip into the garage and plug the mixer in for her so she can knock up the muck and get the patio laid.
Sorry, im sitting here in fits of giggles now, how bout Soft Prickles???
Sorry, dont know why i found that so funny!!!
Captain Prickles..................
after spending my morning down at the registry office changing my name to Mrs. J.. you now want to change yours!
are you trying to tell me something?????
how about you change YOURS to mrWBB?
Aw Mal,
Just one, chocolate is good for the brain and the soul!!! Go on, us girlies need to stick together!!
You have a lovely feminine bottom by the way. (suck up or WHAT!!)
So, to get the thread back on track..
How bout..... The Hedgehog Reaper??
davej goes back out to the garage to turn off the mixer cos she can't here him calling from his chair..
"There my little love bucket sit down for a minute we have a few more suggestions for you to vet, now then............."
"Prickles seems to be a theme at the moment with several variations from rudolf, dazandlou and bilko. what do you think, they sound kinda cute to me"?
mrs davej thinks for a minute and then points out the obvious.
"You thick or something....prickles.....their all in the pub together posting these, are you blind man"
"Their taking the piss they aint trying to help, try seperating the word and see what you get "
mrs davj writes prickles on some paper and then writes it again but seperates it
"now what does that look like....For christ sake cant ya see it... PRICK LESS"
How about 'The Hertfordshire Hammerer' (maybe a bit long) or 'Big Demon Dave', or maybe 'Debauchery Dave'.
Hmmm it's not easy, especially as I'm trying to steer clear of the hedgehog references for now!
No...No ....No.. folks these prickly things and hard man things are not what I am really after, I'm looking for something that reflects my well mannered, quite, considerate, soft side
"how about mr limp that conjures up soft and is close to the truth"
"eerr shush mrs davej other folk might hear you.
davej looks longingly at the area of patio thats as yet unfinished and for a brief second considers if a body really would fit under it
ok, um..... DavetheDelectable??