You know what us blokes are like Minx,
If we see a button we press it, and if nothing immediately happens we move onto the next switch, button or level that we see...
I think that's why erogenous zones get rapaciously pawed beyond recognition and also explains why we try to tune into Radio five live on ladies nipples.
Of course that is a sweeping generalisation, and I am sure most of the well-educated, sexually enlightened chaps and ladies on here not only know which buttons to press on a lady, but have bought the Haynes Manual that goes with it.
I never played tug of war, but I was keen on hide and seek. However many games ended in frustration where I'd just get lost, fumble around in the bushes aimlessly for a while, looking for the right hole to hide in and slowly as interest dwindled, we'd stop with a feeling of lingering resentment and disappointment.
Sometimes I just can't. Can be having a great time and really enjoying the sensations but I just cannotorgasm.
Dunno why, but the minute I think about it then that doesn't help.
There are people who just lie there quietly?????
How peculiar
Damn... Scrub that idea off the list then...
As per usual, I think I get there first and someone has been there before me.
Just to clarify... its very easy to do it on my own... no problems there. :rascal: Just sometimes when I'm with someone else, especially someone new, it can take forever and occasionally not at all. :cry:
Not popular opinion but I think you have to get inside someones head to really enjoy sex so maybe it goes like that for some women. :shock: