heres a question for the thread starter? have you ever actually been tested for HIV? if not how do you know you hav'nt already got it? if yes, why get tested for something your so sure you as a straight male can't catch? ;)
So surprising to find posters being villified judged and condemned.
I think the risks of acquiring HIV through vaginal intercourse with european women must be slight. If they were not the life insurance companys would ask the question which they do not. They do ask about drug users/geography/homosexuality.
When you have unprotected sex, you are, in effect having sex with everyone your partner has had unprotected sex with, and everyone they have had unprotected sex with. Its like a pyramid. Just imagine the damage it can cause.
Dont be so bloody stupid, it baffles me how daft some people can be sometimes.
his post was intentionally provocative..said so himself
and the only reason I keep replying to it and to him in particular even though I know it's a windup (of course it still is even if he has replied..that's what trolls do to keep the fun rolling) that the subject does indeed neeed to be highlighted
Its kind of weird how the arguments are being 'engineered' in this thread. In my opinion the op has come on to account his experiences, of what has happened in his life. I don't see him claiming to have forced or to have caused other people to have unprotected sex with him.
So I don't see that there is a careless attitude, by one person. The activities appear to have been consensual and mutual from all involved.
His main point which seems to have been overlooked or skillfully avoided, is that based on his experiences, enough people seem to be practising sex without protection. So is there a shift in opinion and do people feel that the 'fear' factor is less. Are people playing more savvy and recognising that they can do bareback when they are not taking a risk.
Is swinging falling behind in current sexual activities and attitudes? Is it stuck in the past? Are swingers likely to receive more flak than conventionals if they let slip they are going au naturel?
You see if people live in a fairly close community, and they more or less know who is going with who; which will include various bouts of adultery and partner dumping,, and they don't see aids happening, then what are they left to assume? That its probably safe to have unprotected sex.
Also if the amount of partner changing in the popular soaps is comparable with real life, then how many times do people stop to think about protection? its never mentioned on tv. And most youngsters get to see the soaps on a daily basis.
I wont respond to the personal jibes directed at me other than to say grow up.
In comment on many of the replies to this thread, the emptiest vessels make the loudest noise as per usual. It beggars belief that regular forum posters are unable to distinguish between discussion and personal attack.
Lmao this is an irresponsible say 'none drug users' how dya know? yes it is difficult to catch but hey you can't get rid of that one with an embarrassing trip to the GUM clinic...
People get 'hung up' because there are still irresponsible people like you around...simple as
all you are doing is like any other punter down the bookies.....playing the numbers, and while you may have come out on top so far we all know the bookie always wins.....
make your own mind up