Frekle safe words are pretty common in all forms of bondage play, so properly managed you should be safe from actions you don't want.
As for gloves, well I use them when working, and if you had an injury on your hand all the condoms in the world would be a waste of time. Currently I am nursing some cuts courtesy of the family bunny (who needed to go to the vet and has sharp claws). Now if I were playing gloves would be a requirement if I wanted my fingers inside, or even near females damp bis.
Aids and hep b, c etc are transmitted through body fluids. A cut on my hand in somewhere warm may well open up, causing a direct exchange of fluids. Medics don't wear gloves just to protect themselves, but also those they are treating. So while everyone playing hopefully knows they are clear of STD's, don't rule out gloves or Dental dams. Yes they detract, you should try bareback re a condom, but they should not be unreasonable in casual situations,,, besides they can be kinky...
I personally prefer without, feels much better and is much more intimate, the last thing you want to do whilst your in the heat of passion is STOP and put a condom on! Nah not for me, just as long as the girl is clean im sleeping with that is!!
to shay! thats a very good point, but i know im clean, and if i think the woman im about to sleep with has slept around then of course il wear something, but every now and then ive been with a couple were the woman prefers to do it without a condom, and when i look around the room and clearly see she's just a happily married woman with a husband and kids, i dont mind doing it unprotected if ive known them for a while
always protected only way to go.
I totally understand the risks, and when i said i know for a fact that im clean thats exactly what i meant, i have visited the GU clinic to make sure of that, and its actually 3months before HIV is detectable in the body. Unfortunately i think you've tried to judge me before you actually know me, im not just out shagging anything that moves. I like to meet people, get to know them and build a friendship and trust between us all and that has worked out well so far. Maybe ive been lucky in that department and met the right people and you on the other hand have welcomed every tom dick and harry and come across afew dodgy ones, (perhaps you should take a leaf out of my book)!
On a more serious note i very rarely go unprotected and am aware of the risks!!
Ok cool, im new to all this so apologies if i just jumped into the conversation feet first without explaining myself properly.
Talk about stirring the pot!! I was trying to add alittle humour to a serious conversation, no malice intended.
Mmmmmmmmm.....just to add something else for you to ponder about whilst casting aside the trusty condom....whether you and she come with medical test certificates and lurgy free testimony (!!!!)......have you ever stopped to think that maybe you could be the unwitting sperm donor to a possible patter of tiny feet which could ultimately cause far more problems and heartache for the future than a STI possibly could?Think carefully!!
As to the original post.....yes I feel that sometimes safe sex can appear to be taken to an extreme,but as others have already far more eloquently said,its up to the individuals involved as to how far you wish to take though I think the example you quoted does appear very extreme if not a little paranoid!!Or maybe just really,really kinky!! LOL
Luv Cuddles xxxx
.....just so long as it's sex
I will just use condoms i think, anything else is just going too far.
I would feel like i was going into an operating theatre dressed up
like that lol.
I think its always safer to use condoms, for the safety of both parties
]Having sexual relations with strangers is risky, period, but then, having sex with your partner is risky, because you never know where they have been : going to work, to the supermarket, girlie night out, mens night out : shall I go on ???