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I was always taught, many moons ago, not to write in caps as it was rude, not sure why, just took there word for it.
Also told not to write a note in red pen as this is also rude... aparently
Use of capitals in normal text is for EMPHASIS - there, didn't you feel that I was shouting that bit?
I've always thought people get a tad dramatic about the use of uppercase font, but on the flip-side, a post made in all uppercase is difficult to read.
Quote by Cherrytree
Use of capitals in normal text is for EMPHASIS - there, didn't you feel that I was shouting that bit?

Quote by Jewlnmart
I've always thought people get a tad dramatic about the use of uppercase font, but on the flip-side, a post made in all uppercase is difficult to read.

Never mind the caps - what a lovely Avatar you have, Jewlnmart
Plim :thumbup:
It's just a convention for live text to distinguish between what one would say in normal speech and what one would shout.
You have a good shout if you want to. No law against that.
Quote by westerross
It's just a convention for live text to distinguish between what one would say in normal speech and what one would shout.
You have a good shout if you want to. No law against that.

... but put it in the Steam Room wink
Quote by Bluefish2009
I was always taught, many moons ago, not to write in caps as it was rude, not sure why, just took there word for it

oh dear never knew this i always write in uppercase as my handwriting is much neater in uppercase have done it since i was 15 and its just habit now feels way too odd to write in lowercase now but i don't want to seem rude to those that don't know me and my quirks :silly:
Quote by bouncy332
I was always taught, many moons ago, not to write in caps as it was rude, not sure why, just took there word for it

oh dear never knew this i always write in uppercase as my handwriting is much neater in uppercase have done it since i was 15 and its just habit now feels way too odd to write in lowercase now but i don't want to seem rude to those that don't know me and my quirks :silly:
I also write in capitals. I have since I left school. But the first letter in the first word of a sentence has a capital capital so it doesn't look like I'm shouting! :giggle:
I never type in capitals unless I'm trying to emphasise something like SHOUTING IS RUDE or something. :mrgreen:
Quite a lot of Latin is in capitals. And graffiti.
I think that caps can be harder to read at times dunno
I have always found capitals annoying in chat rooms but have little problem with them elsewhere, in here for example, whether used for emphasis or any other reason.
I think we wouldn't habitually write in lower case, such conventions seem to be adopted to make reading easier after all, if most folk didn't find lower case easier to read.
I think the CAPITALS IS SHOUTING convention springs from chat rooms where it seems to me it comes across like that. That convention has then been transferred to other interwebnet environments where the effect of CAPITALS is actually way less pronounced. This particular web site has always been much more concerned with the use of capitals than any other I have used whether social or academic.
I don't have a problem with how people choose to hand write although I do recall that any complaint correspondence we received hand written in capitals was generally considered to be the work of somebody who was unlikely to be appeased easily. We had a technical term for them----"nut jobs".
Funny enough - reading capitals is more difficult that lower case as we recognise lots of words by their form rather than their spelling - hence road signs use lower case etc - Capitals for emphasis is ok on the web but all capitals has been shouting in IRC, Telex, Chat etc for at least 30 years - I was taught at the tender age of ten not to put all caps when using the early form of the web we know today wink
Quote by Jewlnmart
I've always thought people get a tad dramatic about the use of uppercase font, but on the flip-side, a post made in all uppercase is difficult to read.

This is the main reason for not writing in caps, but it's also because it forces you to pay more attention to the characters, which are more difficult to read. And this is like someone shouting at you, forcing you to listen to them.
Quote by Bluefish2009
I was always taught, many moons ago, not to write in caps as it was rude, not sure why, just took there word for it.
Also told not to write a note in red pen as this is also rude... aparently

Writing in red is interesting, but traditionally it always indicated an error, on the part of the recipient, towards something they've done. So writing in red always seemed like you were being reprimanded in some way.
Quote by Ben_welshminx
I don't have a problem with how people choose to hand write although I do recall that any complaint correspondence we received hand written in capitals was generally considered to be the work of somebody who was unlikely to be appeased easily. We had a technical term for them----"nut jobs".

oh dear that would be me then :silly:
Quote by bbw_loverNkitty
I was always taught, many moons ago, not to write in caps as it was rude, not sure why, just took there word for it.
Also told not to write a note in red pen as this is also rude... aparently

Writing in red is interesting, but traditionally it always indicated an error, on the part of the recipient, towards something they've done. So writing in red always seemed like you were being reprimanded in some way.
ooo interesting makes mental note to do all complaint letters in uppercase and red ink might get somewhere then :twisted: