ok im posting this as im avoiding going into town to buy my car tax.
i may be talking without knowing all the facts, but i just dont see that car tax is fair, for several reasons.
we buy a car and pay VAT, we buy petrol, god tax tax and more tax there, we pay for our mots to ensure the car is roadworthy, we pay insurance.
when i say we maybe i should say some, there are hundreds if not thousands of people out there who dont pay any of the above.
what is road tax actually for?? if its about mantaining the roads where does the tax in petrol go?
if its to police the roads, whats council tax for?
and why are there sooo many price bandings for road tax? are they saying a tiny sports car thats hardly ever taken out wears the roads down more? if its about how often we use the roads then surely this tax is recoverable via the already high petrol prices?
if it about how many roads and quality then should we in cornwall pay less as we dont even have a moterway?
sorry so many questions, ill probally be told off now for not being specific and no one knowing what point im actually raising lol
am i the only one who feels there should be a big review on the taxation of owning a car.
i cannot be without a car living in cornwall i need one to work.
xx fem xx
Car tax (RFL) is an out and out rip off
Duty should be put on the fuel then even the scrotes that thing and insurance is above them would have to pay via the fuel they used...
we r one of the counties that r taxed to the hilt,
the goverment r skint, so they tax u on anything they can.
just wait till they tax yr sex lives
The biggest problem in London isnt the Goverment its the Mayor ;-)
if they taxed the amount of sex i wouldnt have to pay much right now lol
do you think it would be the only tax return that is in the tax mans favour for fear of admitting we wernt getting none lol
it a off the wall way i guess i do pay tax on sex, condoms have vat lol
xx fem xx
Along with Insurance Premium Tax, the Road Fund License is one of the biggest rip-offs going.
It keeps an army of turkey voters at DVLA in jobs and it's far too easy to dodge (if ANPR was as good as it's claimed why are one in twenty of all vehicles still without a tax disc?).
The billions raised go into Gordon's coffers yet we see little re-investment in our third world road system. The quality of roads has visibily declined in the last ten years.
There's an efficient system already available to collect money that is unavoidable, it's called VAT but the problem is that politicians have to have all these little tax-raising dodges so as they can claim that income tax hasn't gone up and keep their election pledges.
Oh and let's not forget, the Chancellor is putting fuel duty up by ANOTHER 2p a litre next month as part of a previous budget announcement even though creaming off record amounts of income due to elevated oil prices.
If you keep-on about it long enough, they'll put the car tax on fuel. And you'll end-up paying far more than you do now. Compared to the total cost of a vehicle, the annual/six-monthly fee for the tax disc is small.
Now, if you wanted to moan about something, moan about the VAT that you pay on the TAX you pay on fuel. Yes, the 75% tax (ish) of the cost of fuel is taxed for VAT as well. So, for the priviledge of paying fuel tax you also get to pay a tax levied on the tax you pay !!!!!!!!
Everybody moans about things, but nobody does anything. That's why they do it, because they know when push-comes-to-shove everybody will walk away muttering......................
The bottom line is this: you'll all do just what they want you to. Nothing.
agree fully sassy,
being in a job where by i have to hold a enhanced CRB i cannot afford to have a criminal conviction, therfore i have to tow the line and pay the dues that the goverment choose to bleed me dry for.
the problem with the political parties at the moment are i cant tell them apart.
im by far a high earner, but just high enough that i pay a 1/4 of my income in tax and NI. and am not entitled to passport benefits.
as a loan parent i would be better off financially not working.
it seems to me their are more people on benefit ( i do not listen to the unemployed satistics cuse thats JUST those on job seekers not benefits) so the ones on the second rung of the ladder re income from employment, are really being hit in the pocket.
i have to have a car to work, i cant afford to not tax insure etc cuse i would then lose my job.
if there were a answer again id love to know it cuse its the law abiding who are constantly being knocked down.
sorry i kind digressed off my own topic there.
xx fem xx
Stupid tax collected in a n inefficient way.
It should be put on the price of petrol.
To be honest, I have got to the stage now where I feel most people get what they deserve, if there was a programme on about how much tax we pay and it clashed with eastenders, guess what programme most people would watch?.
Remember the fuel protests about 5 yrs ago, everyone agreed with it and the "dunkirk" spirit kicked in, but after about 2 weeks everyone was pleased when the tanker drivers went back to work.
The goverment have got us by the balls and they know it!.
A nation that is unarmed and in debt is a nation that can be controlled.
Rant over.
now right at the start let me say that I wholeheartedly agree with pretty much everything thats been said re RFL and the rip off tax burden that we are forced to bare
the RFL does serve one useful purpose
to get one a car must be MOT'ed and insured - thus going some way to making sure that at least the majority of cars on the road are safe(-ish) to drive and that most cars are insured so that in the event of an accident not only will you probably be fairly sure that you won't be to badly injured but that you will eventually receive some financial recompense.
its not an ideal system and there are always those that will try to avoid the obligations of car ownership but the RFL does put a sort of check on major abuse of the responsibilities of owning a car
they just dont like people having things like v8 dodge ram trucks or supercars/bikes on the road.
So they increase the tax to price them off the roads or put people off buying them.
I feel that you should be able to drive what you want without an unfair some will say that you do not need a 200bhp bike or a 600 bhp pick up but i say im entitled to have what i want.
And if the global warming thing is an issue stop flying planes and stop making war before you tell me what to do.
And what ken is doing in london is only to make is pissed most of the time so do you think he really cares? no one cares about the state of things except the population who work hard to try and get somewhere in life.