after watching a tv programe the other day i shocked to see how many people actually claiming disablement or incapacity benefit are actually fiddling the system by casual working..just thought id ask what everyones opinions of these people for my opinion i think its disgusting that people can get high amounts of benefit and even cars and pay no rent and council tax while others have to struggle by...ur opinion???????
This is a subject I could wax lyrical on for hours. When my late hubby became ill, we had one heck of a fight to get benefits, and he had worked 26 years, full time, and only one week off sick in all that time.
I am disabled now, but can't get ANY benefits, as I can walk farther than you are supposed to be able, although I do it very painfully. I have severe arthritis, and have trouble with severe pain, but I still don't qualify for anything, as I am not disabled enough. I have severe depression, and could be signed off for this, but I haven't been. I still care for three old ladies... I have to, or I don't eat, and I can't pay my bills. I earn just over what you need to earn to be entitled to anything....
There are SO many genuine cases out there, and when I worked at the Job Centre a few years ago, it used to drive me bananas to see the honest people getting a hard time, and the ones who were "swinging the lead" getting everything. And it does happen...
It is a difficult situation, but I do get upset when I can't get anything.. and the people in the house down my road - which number about 10 in one house, only one of which is working - get loads of money in benefits.. they are running two businesses from the house too.... Where is the justice?
If I didn't work though... I think I would go mad...
I saw that programme the other night and it makes my blood boil, like misskitty I have had 2 loved ones pass away within a couple of years of each other, these people being my mum and dad, dad was diagnosed and died to quickly for him or my mum to claim any kind of benefits other than sickness pay but he ws lucky enough to have a fantastic employer that made sure that my mum got all the entitlements after dad went, as for my mum she was diagnosed and given 8 months to live, she and my dad had both worked for many years and never claimed anything, but when the time came to claim we had to fight tooth and nail for it, i will say once mum was in the system things did move quite quickly...
but there are people out there that know how to work the system very,very well!!!
You saying about entitlements... When my hubby died, because it was sudden, and I couldn't get a death certificate until everything had gone to inquest.. it was six months before they even processed my applications....
I couldn't get widows benefit because I was under 45 with no children... if I had children would have got it straight away....... As it was, I couldn't get anything, only half towards the funeral cost... and I have not long finished paying it off three years on.. and it was only a basic funeral...
I really do get frustrated..... I have worked all my life!!!!!
My opinion is that there should be harsher punishments for people that "fiddle" the benefits system. At the moment these sort of programmes seem to advertise the fact that if you steal thousands in benefits all you will get is community service.
As meat said you can work under 16 hours per week on benefits, and this is taken fully into account and stopped from your benefits - so the people that do declare an income aren't doing anything wrong, it's the people that don't that cause so many problems.
mmmmmm maybe someone should start a national web page up to name and shame benefit cheats and force to goverment to act
What got me on that programme was the young girl with the baby that got found out and was made to pay back the money over paid, so what she did was make a new claim and out of that money the DWP took the money from her that she was over paid, isn't that a bit like paying themselves back out of their own money?
And another thing all these people seem to be able to afford cigerettes but plead poverty, can't feed/clothes kids etc.....GIVE UP THE EVIL WEED!!!!!
Sam x
Incapacity benefit isn't the most common benefit being cheated on as it can be quite hard to stay on it. You have to attend medicals every two years and/or evidence from your GP.
The other thing that makes Incap a pain is the fact that you don't get any subsidiary benefits just because you are on it like a lot of the other benefits. Whilst on Incap you do not automatically get things like Council Tax relief, housing benefit, free prescriptions. All you get on Incap is Incap and the amount you get whilst more than a lot of benefits in the long run you actually get less because of the lack of other benefits. This is what makes it necessary for some people to cheat a bit. I'm not talking about the ones who take on the occasional job just to make ends meet who I sympathise with (well I would as I'm one of them) but the ones who have regular jobs AND claim Incap need shooting and are screwing things up for the likes of people like Kitty and I.
while i understand your anger at those whom you think are claiming frauduently, do you know the whole facts, or just what mr smith told mrs jones and mrs toms cat told the neighbour?
i blame the government for allowing these claims to take place.
regarding incapacity benefit, they issue the benefit, but no conditions, eg, attend AA, lose weight, councelling etc etc then if you can stay on it for 26 plus weeks it goes up considerably. incentive?? none, other than you dont get the passport benefits, eg free glasses, dental treatment, medication.
if you think someone is claiming fraudently then report them, dont think someone else has or should.
i personally feel that no money should be issued, but vouchers for food, electric, etc should be issued, at a set amount for set foods. budgeting and cooking skills given. that way no bad diets, no smoking, drinking etc, if you want that get a job.
i know when i say that i get battered by many.
the social system was ment to be a safety net, not a fun trampoline.
those in need we need to help.
xx fem xx
Burn them!
and they crutches they walked in here on!