I saw someone who looked remarkably like Prince Philip in the round room at Chams. Didn't play - he's way too old for me.
I also chatted with a well-known Hollywood actress in the queue for the ladies at the Fetish and BDSM Show at the NEC a couple of years ago.
What? Well, prove I didn't. :giggle:
YES but thats all ya getting
I was once in the loo's to the rear of a basement torture hole in burmondsey and found myself chatting to the man-in-the-moon. Quite a charming fellow, though rather distant.
i reckon hes on about the real ' man in the moon' or moony as those that know him call him
no, torture holing. though wasn't the issue, it was the man-in-the-moon, big chap, you may have heard of him?
A very famous snooker player was seen at a club we used to go to a few years back.
Do not know if he did anything but he was there on his own.
I have seen someone that resembles Walter Mitty about.
Very very good.
For fairness sake that is why I did not mention the guys name...only his job.