MQ :shock:
Nutty as squirrel shit I am!!!
I talk mostly bollox, does that mean I can be certified?
Pretty please?
Excellent!!!! (in a Mr Burns voice)
Surely I don't need to ask.... surely I get a :shock: awarded anyway, without even asking..... The whole world knows I'm as loopy as a bog brush :shock: :shock: :shock:
Sexysteph :shock: (officially certified by warwick )
3 biscuit tin inhabitants already
Are we allowed to talk to those who are uncertified?
well they wont let me out of the ward unless i carry my certificate with me, just in case..... :silly:
I also could not be bothered to read the Verification thread.
Anyone who proffesses to be mad is not.
Yours, totally sanely,
Vix :shock:
Woooo hoooooo, I'm CERTIFIED! :bounce:
Blue xxx :shock:
Who do I need to sleep with to get certified around here?
Fish wibble hat sprong?
Is this an officially certified certification by a truly certified certifier??ffs
officially certified wibbler
i like to think i spend alot of time chattin shit,,do i qualify??