I am looking for members who are willing to chaperone the first time munchers at the NW Munch
The Volunteers need to be
1. On the Confirmed List for the Munch (as the list is closed )
2. Someone who has attended a few Munches
3. Will stay with the newbies till they feel comfortable and relaxed
I hope some of you can help me
Regards Vicky
Hannah and myself will gladly help out, does this mean we get to take advantage.....pmsl, you know us better than that, as if we would...
Myself and Mike will help out if you need us to vicky I know how daunting it can be. As you know mike is the quiet one and well I am not, so maybe the combination will help.
just let us know
Big thank you to all the people who have offerred their services as chaperones on here and in pm
I gratefully accept your help and will team you up with a newbie and let you know closer to the event,
just need 1 more Chaperone pretty please
I would offer to chaperone but only as long as they are happy to stand in mingers corner with me lol
behave bouncy your lovely
can I put you down as a back up just in case someone for some reason cant make it ?
ty for offering
Vicky xxxxx