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Chatroom or forum?

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33 replies
9 watchers
Thought I'd start up a topic, might not be fun, interesting or entertaining, or even meaningful.... but it's a new topic none the less.
I've only been in the chatroom twice now since joining. First time felt a bit left out, but the second time I had a good time while i was in. However the speed at which it was going felt overwhelming at times, constantly trying to keep up with all the conversations and spotting mine in the midst.
The forum on the other hand I find much better as it's slower, there are more topics to discuss and you don't miss anything which is said.
So..... my question is, do you prefer to use the chatroom, forum or both to talk?
Like you bigDewi69 I found the chatroom very fast, and like the slower pace in here, but it doesn't stop me going in to say hello.
I'm with you... tried the chat room once and it scared the sh1t out of me... much too fast. At my age slow is good wink
As to be the forum for me too. Went into the Chatroom and it totally blew me away.
Its just too damn quick.. In the forum you actually get the chance to read everyones message and reply in plenty of time.
Roni B
I pop into the Chatroom about once a month (Just so I don't have to register again!!) but it is so fast it makes me sea-sick, so I have to come back to the forum for a lie down!! confused :? :?
Awkward thing to post, really. Because if you walked into a pub full of United fans and asked them who do they prefer, City or United, you will get a biased response. Same as if you did the same in a pub full of City fans. So if you ask the question to us in the Forums, the bets would be on most people saying they prefer it in here. If you asked the same in the Chatroom, you'll get the opposite response.
Quote by mal609
Awkward thing to post, really. Because if you walked into a pub full of United fans and asked them who do they prefer, City or United, you will get a biased response. Same as if you did the same in a pub full of City fans. So if you ask the question to us in the Forums, the bets would be on most people saying they prefer it in here. If you asked the same in the Chatroom, you'll get the opposite response.

I'm sensible to know which pub to ask the right question in biggrin lol
I would go into the chatroom, but it's too quick and would probably be missed by half the people in there. I do know however that a fair number of people on here also visit the chatroom so it would make an (interesting) topic
Quote by bigDewi69
Thought I'd start up a topic, might not be fun, interesting or entertaining, or even meaningful.... but it's a new topic none the less.
I've only been in the chatroom twice now since joining. First time felt a bit left out, but the second time I had a good time while i was in. However the speed at which it was going felt overwhelming at times, constantly trying to keep up with all the conversations and spotting mine in the midst.
The forum on the other hand I find much better as it's slower, there are more topics to discuss and you don't miss anything which is said.
So..... my question is, do you prefer to use the chatroom, forum or both to talk?

i think the forums are better u can have more convo's at a realistic pace.
and i dont feel left out neither......................much sad
Quote by bigDewi69
Thought I'd start up a topic, might not be fun, interesting or entertaining, or even meaningful.... but it's a new topic none the less.
I've only been in the chatroom twice now since joining. First time felt a bit left out, but the second time I had a good time while i was in. However the speed at which it was going felt overwhelming at times, constantly trying to keep up with all the conversations and spotting mine in the midst.
The forum on the other hand I find much better as it's slower, there are more topics to discuss and you don't miss anything which is said.
So..... my question is, do you prefer to use the chatroom, forum or both to talk?

i've been on chat now and again and the speed is indeed fast paced, but i got use to it after a while. i tend to jump into a conversation and concentrate only on that and if that conversation dries up, i move onto something else so i don't have to follow everything thats being said (it's impossible, at least for me)
i like the forum more just because you can follow a discussion in more detail
ive always found chatrooms a bit intimidating, and sooo fast lol
plus, ive yet to be able to get this darn laptop to run the SH chatroom sad
much prefer forums, for no new reasons, just the same ones everyone else has mentioned biggrin
plus, everyones been so nice to me, i wouldnt want to go anywhere else now! :happy:
Quote by bailiffs
i think the forums are better u can have more convo's at a realistic pace.
and i dont feel left out neither......................much sad

and to prove this, here a passionkiss for bailiffs
oh what the heck! everyone on this thread can have one sillyassionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss:
Quote by outdoor_games

i think the forums are better u can have more convo's at a realistic pace.
and i dont feel left out neither......................much sad

and to prove this, here a passionkiss for bailiffs
oh what the heck! everyone on this thread can have one sillyassionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss:
thanks alot for that <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< feels so much better biggrin xxx
Quote by outdoor_games

i think the forums are better u can have more convo's at a realistic pace.
and i dont feel left out neither......................much sad

and to prove this, here a passionkiss for bailiffs
oh what the heck! everyone on this thread can have one sillyassionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss:
Group hug, although on this site such an innocent thing can't last innocent for long :twisted: :twisted: lol
Quote by tanglewood72
ive always found chatrooms a bit intimidating, and sooo fast

That's pretty much the problem for me.
I like the pace of the Forum better.
It was quite funny meeting people at the Glasgow munch. We made a point of trying to say hi to everyone there but at one point near the start of the evening there were two distinct groups (it didn't last long) , the forum users and the chatroom users.
When we did get to say hello to a lovely couple, none of us recognised the others user name until the dawn of realisation was finally broken with.......
"Ah you'll be forum users then"
said in a suitably knowing and symapthetic manner rotflmao
We felt like old fogies and THEY must have been twenty years older than us confused
Quote by the_Laird
ive always found chatrooms a bit intimidating, and sooo fast

That's pretty much the problem for me.
I like the pace of the Forum better.
It was quite funny meeting people at the Glasgow munch. We made a point of trying to say hi to everyone there but at one point near the start of the evening there were two distinct groups (it didn't last long) , the forum users and the chatroom users.
When we did get to say hello to a lovely couple, none of us recognised the others user name until the dawn of realisation was finally broken with.......
"Ah you'll be forum users then"
said in a suitably knowing and symapthetic manner rotflmao
We felt like old fogies and THEY must have been twenty years older than us confused
lol I didn't know there were divisions in SH. Next thing you know there'll be separate groups for the Cafe and LMU forums smile
I like a bit of both, but then hey some of you know that already lol
Chat is best when you have had a drink or too as you dont care about keeping up, forum is for those lovely evening chill out times.
So, oh I dont know, oh what one do I prefer, chat or forum, help!!!
there ARE
the weirdest thing for us at our first munch (does it count for us as it was brief, we don't know) was being introduced by our forum nick to others with their forum nick... it felt like a superhero team or something...
esp cos I neglected to remind my partner what our nick is.... as he only posted once a loooong time ago and I logged him in to do so and set up him. But I used both the chat and the forums under the same nick, just to make sure I have my alliances covered.
Quote by bigDewi69
lol I didn't know there were divisions in SH. Next thing you know there'll be separate groups for the Cafe and LMU forums smile

Dont see that working BigD do you??
the chat room is mad
some lovely people in there though
and then you get the
~~ bigcock 4u~~ hi anyone wanna shag brigade :twisted:
reminds me i must pop in again ..its been ages
I find l like the forum for most of the reasons already stated above. Playing computer games a lot , the quick chat option for me usually degenerates into the one line or abreviated sort of dialogue as I find on this chatroom and I suspect many who do use it probably know each other and its cheaper than texting when you don't have a lot to say ! Like dogging it seems hard to establish much of a meaningful link with the person you chat with, other than a very brief hello if you don't know anyone ! .
I love both !!!
Variety is the spice of life !!
Like the people in the chatroom and the people in here !!
Depends on my mood........ which one I visit first..... !!
I use the Chat Room more than the forum as I like the immediate response you get in there. I've met some great people as a result of chatting in there, not to mention the very special lady in my life ...... blonde and I met in the chat room and now we are totally committed and in love with each other.
forum is nice
quiet vaired and easy to track all the different items on disscussion
Quote by blonde
I love both !!!
Variety is the spice of life !!
Like the people in the chatroom and the people in here !!
Depends on my mood........ which one I visit first..... !!

Same here but then maybe Blonde and I just talk to much redface
Quote by Dawn_Mids
I love both !!!
Variety is the spice of life !!
Like the people in the chatroom and the people in here !!
Depends on my mood........ which one I visit first..... !!

Same here but then maybe Blonde and I just talk to much redface
Yep..... we do talk too much and its all rubbish !!!! but we r girlies so we can get away with it !
anyway nn babe !!!
Now there's a thing, I've been a member of this site for well over a year and havn't clicked onto the chatroom once, truely, I havn't looked in there, wouldn't know how to get in there and have no desire to get in there. I have this perception that it's full of people ...eerrmm ....chatting :shock: is that right?...are you in there sort of just chatting to one person like you would anywhere else and when that persons done you find someone else to chat with? Honest I really don't know dunno
we use both am in here everyday on though the board ........... might not post but then might be nothing that takes my interest, and use the chatroom most days, and the add most days I look see if any new member has posted a new add nr us, never much luck there though lol
I prefer the forum, maily because you have the option to come back to a subject at your leisure
we use both am in here everyday on though the board ........... might not post but then might be nothing that takes my interest, and use the chatroom most days, and the add most days I look see if any new member has posted a new add nr us, never much luck there though lol
Personally I prefer to use the chat room than the forum. Good job I suppose as I've been an op in there for quite some time. (september will see my second op birthday - so do i get a cake?).
Why the chat room?
Well we often have young children walking in and out of the room. - Damn, got to learn to tie better knots wink So to run mirc there's no big pictures of girlies on all fours, etc etc which means i'm free to use it without fear of difficult questions from the kids.
Also I have been on other sites (non swinging ones) for several years before coming on here and so have got the chat room blood running through my veins.
Why not the forum?
Currently the "newbie bashing" puts me off. The why the hell didnt you use search? The "count's to ten and waits for this to be locked" comments seesh mad they make my blood boil. I recently joined a forum on another site (again non swinging) and when a newbie drops a clusterfuck on their forum, they dont have 20 or 30 of the old school ripping them to shreads. They just get a polite pointer to the correct way of doing things. A much more civil way of encouraging newbies rather than just slapping them.
The pointless thread posters.
boy how i'd love to have a /ignore command in here. (if you were a chatroom user you'd understand). Thankfully there doesn't seem to be the race anymore to hit the billionth post count first.
The holier than thou attitude.
I've been to munches and when chatting to someone I've said i'm a chatroom user and they've just looked down their nose at me as though i'm a second class citizen. I feel its an integrated part of the site and if you wish to use it great, if not then not a problem.
There rant over....
oh and i havnt named any individuals, and I am not inferring anybody specifically by my comments. So if you think i mean you, personally the chances are you're wrong.
Even with these perceived negative comments, there are people in both the forum and the chat room i thoughly enjoy chatting with, and meeting. Also both places have their idiots :doh: its just personal choice that with some spare time, thats where you'll find me.