Not much to say except - lucky. Although if the naughty ones had been spotted it might have made for a better ending - lol
Nice thread!
Used to see plenty of this when I worked in a camera shop!
Basically, when you "delete" a file, it doesnt delete it at all - it just compresses it massively. If you take loads of shots, you'll sometimes notice that the card doesnt seem to hold as many pics as you thought it did.
Quite often, we'd get a very ordinary looking man/woman in with a memory card where they'd lost a shot because they'd "deleted" it, and needed help. We had image recovery software (bit like the one at Boots) that enabled us to view the compressed files...usually ended up with us realising that the ordinary customer was in fact a bit wild!
Best thing to do when you clear your images is to format the card using the setting on the camera - BUT DO IT MORE THAN ONCE. This wipes the compressed files, and spares your dignity if you need to hand over the card to a store for printing.
that is very lucky! Because no doubt that the workers wouldn't have minded checking the whole stick and stumbling across your smut!
All of our dodgy stuff (not that there's much; really need a digital camera) is on a directory in my Pictures folder.
Being me a Mac user though, I've set it to be write-only for my normal user account. It just won't open unless you know the password!
I now make sure that i move all me pics directly to me ipod from digital camera makes it a lot less problematic....
oh by the way mrs genherts... u look nice as a cow girl ;)
Earlier this year we had a long weekend in Madrid, we had arranged to meet up with a local single guy who showed us a great time in all the tappas bars, so of course we showed him a great time back at our hotel and took plenty of pics to remember the visit bye.
The next day said camera, passports etc were stolen so god knows were those pics are being displayed now! (Just hope he wasn’t a well-known local personality)