Contreversial maybe but here goes
What the fuck is that all about??
Had a mass debate with my lovely partner the other day, unfortunately it wasn't a masturbate!!!
I haven't got kids, never will
I haven't added numbers to our free education system
I haven't added numbers to our free health service
I haven't added potential numbers to our dole queues
I haven't added potential criminals to the justice system
I have never asked my council for subsidised housing
Yet my tax's pay for all of these yet people that breed get paid a bonus for it!! What the fuck is that all about. Surely by not adding to the governments expenses i should be paid non child allowance!!!!!!!! I personally think the Chinese have the right idea, penalising people that procreate!!
McGuinness now looks forward to a swinging heaven life of being snubbed and slagged down but i had to get it off my chest
By the way you are also better off under current government policy not having equity in your property, savings or a pension
so whos gona pay your pension then !!!
Whose gona run the electrical grid that will light and heat up your house when you to old to work.
Whose gona empty your bins in the future.
Whose gona do anything....answer is ofcasue easy...the children of today.
No on asks or forces you to have children, and many of us take no handouts as we work and can afford it. However I do not begrudge the less fortunate than me from
useing my taxes to build a better world.
But when you are old and infirm you will need our children to provide you with medical care, housing and all the other services that society provides.
:P Perhaps it's the child allowance that we do get in this country that prevents the hordes of street kids you find in other countries like Brazil, the State and South Africa to name a few.
As for the numbers on the free health service, well as a parent to a 5 year old heart patient I'd like to say, thank you for your contribution.
My measly £650 a month NI and taxes could only have covered a very small portion of the cost thus far.
It's actually called Child Benefit and for those that are as skint as me, that extra £11 a week can make the world of difference.
My argument is should every parent get it? I think it should be means-tested like all other benefits. The likes of Posh n Becks can get it! As if they need it?!
If they made it means-tested then they could give more to people that really need it. Pisses me right off tbh.
Btw, i don't get a single penny in maintenance from my daughter's dad and haven't done for more than 3 1/2 years. Maybe if he coughed up and took responsibilty for his off-spring, or the CSA got their arses into gear I wouldn't need the benefits that precious tax-payers whinge on about so much.
yes but if i wasn't subsidising other peoples kids then my tax's would more than pay for my pension, plus with my condition i ain't going to get old.
My partner countered with "What about your health problems due to booze?"
Ermm as well as paying VAT on my booze i pay alcohol excise duty, my life expectency is less than a non alcoholic (less time in hospital with elderly degeneration illness, no pension costs), how does my drinking constitute a burden on society?
'Women taking time out to have children is not only a matter of personal choice, but also an economic necessity for the future of the country'
I strongly believe in that too. Like others have said already, who is going to staff the nursing home you may need when you are old? Who are the doctors, nurses, other taxpaying workers going to be when you draw your pension? It's our children. If that means the government using a little of their tax income investing in those children it can only be a good thing in the long run.
I'm not even going to go there on the issue of single parents who stay at home to care for their children, I am one and I have incredibly good reasons for not wanting and actually not being able to go to work.
I do agree that Child Benefit should be means tested, the very wealthy have no need for any extra money and that cash could be channelled into another good cause which needs it.
Who can seriously say that they have happy memories of mum and dad going to work? No the happy memories are when mum and dad are there having fun with you!
Tax credits are means tested, and the universal child benefit accounts for less than 1/2 of 1% of the tax burden. No party is going to be seen to be hurting the financial position of mothers for such a trivial saving.
It's not really a related area but:
Real threats to the UK ? There are no real military threats to UK soil. Who's going to invade ? France ?
You chase the fucking CSA up I'm too busy caring for my kids! It's been 2 years now and they have done fuck all.
off to cool down now before I am kicked off this forum
And now I'm not entitled to a little rest and relaxation! Nice!
you can chase the CSA as much as you like and nothing will happen!!! pmsl you are soooo naive. if you want to have a go at someone have a go at father who pay nothing and do all they can to avoid paying even a penny