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Club 60, nows here a challenge

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18 replies
1 watcher
we have just had a look and a read of the Clubs page on this site.
There are 60 clubs featured: So we have set ourselves a challenge for the next few months and wondered if any one elsewants to play.
Club 60 is there for anyone who gets to every club on the page, all 60. You need proof that you went, and the game is to see who can get to 60 first.
We will think of a prize at a later stage.
Quote by mindblowing
We will think of a prize at a later stage.

Some ointment for all the sore bits wink
Cool idea...... do I get a head start for all the clubs I've been to already, or do I have to start completely from scratch???? lol :lol: :lol:
If it is that you have a head start, then lucky you and yours.
I think you need to list them out, it may also set the ball rolling
OK.... my current list of "conquests" is as follows, in the order of my first visit:
Cupids in Swinton
Partners in Bury
Liaisons in Rochdale
The Club in Manchester
Adam and Eves in Manchester
Fun4Two in Preston
Xanadu in Manchester
Also been to Consent in Preston. But that's a fetish club not a swingers club thus isn't listed on Clubs and Parties - though I've noticed it listed as a swingers club on other (less reputable wink ) swingers websites... I don't think it counts though. I think we should only count the ones on SH Clubs and Parties lol
Phew.... I think that's it....... :shock:
I'm hoping to visit Club Selecta in Bolton very soon, so that will be another "conquest"!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm so virginal and innocent!!!! I've been to liasons.. and going to partners tonight. Would love to take part but don't think it would be a serious effort till the kids have flown the nest and no longer need babysitters!!!! sad
That's the bummer, actually..... babysitters sad . I'd be on club 59 by now if it wasn't for the need of babysitters! And work - that's another bind..... but despite all that, I'm well up for the challenge. It just may take a bit of time! confused
Quote by bluexxx
Cool idea...... do I get a head start for all the clubs I've been to already, or do I have to start completely from scratch???? lol :lol: :lol:

The rules state that you need proof.
As long as you can prove that you have been to those clubs then I think they should count.
Proof.... :shock: Right... OK...... well, that's up to the people who've met me in these clubs to speak up now lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
In future I will ask for receipts from the club staff to prove I've been there cool
Love the idea - the swinging heaven club-crawl. lol :lol: :lol:
We have been to 3 different clubs - all different from blue's so that brings up a second question - amongst the Forum members, have we been to all 60 clubs between us?
We have been to:-
Euphoria in Norfolk
Suburban Swingers in Hitchin
Liberation in Leicester (Going again this weekend)
So that would make 10 different ones so far can anyone add some others?
Is this like Swingers Twitching? Switchers? Twinging? w.h.y.
From the SH club listings we have:
The Club Manchester
Adam and Eves
Think we have left our mark in all these if you want to check....unless the beds have been changed wink
I can back Blue up on the Adam n Eves I was working there at the time
Ile write her a note lol
Quote by musketeer
Is this like Swingers Twitching? Switchers? Twinging? w.h.y.

Well as a birdwatcher who used to do a bit of twitching, I can comment here. The problem with twitching is that because there is so much travelling involved, you spend so much time in cars & so little time actually watching birds.
So... would ticking off clubs mean that you spend more time travelling to them, than actually shagging??
To put it another way, would I rather tick off swinging clubs than rare birds. Well, assuming unlimited funds (because it is bound to be a bit pricey), & the fact that I get less than a shag a month (sympathy would be appreciated here, along with a few offers!!!), the answer has to be... YES PLEASE!
Quote by mindblowing
Club 60 is there for anyone who gets to every club on the page, all 60. You need proof that you went, and the game is to see who can get to 60 first.
We will think of a prize at a later stage.

Further to this, has anyone considered Club Over 60...???
We will require proof..!!! wink
Cant afford to go to 60 clubs (unless its over the next 60 years)
Hi Guys
Well I'll get to 10 on my travels which isn't bad, but as a single guy you can't be a member of everywhere at once without being a bit potless.
Can't see any single blokes winning the title!!. More likely to be left with 50 cents rather than being In da club !!
For the record
Cupids ,Adam & Eve , Partners ,Chameleons , Arousal ,Rios , Club Wreck (sorry Raquels), Brighton Sun Club and a few not on here Bristol Gardens In Brighton (go figure!) and Club Paradise in Amsterdam.
Having said this I've only been back to 4 of these for a second or more visits , perhaps I'm a bit picky but some you like and some aren't worth it once you've found a better , more friendly place to play.
Anyway might try Liaisons soon as my next addition.
PS: Hi Vicky ,didn't know you were on here , wondered where you'd got to? I'll PM you.
OK, I think I've met forum memebrs at most clubs I've been to, now I've had chance to think about it.
I can vouch that Onesg34 has indeed been to Cupids lol . Thanks Vicky_UK for the vouching for Adam and Eves :lol: . Lots of forum members can vouch I've been in Partners :twisted: Several forum members were also there when I went to Xanadu (only been there once) :P
I've also met a couple of forum members at Liaisons..... but where are they when you need 'em! One forum member can at least vouch that I went in the entrance hall of Fun4Two rolleyes wink .
I think there's only The Club where I went and didn't see anyone from SH :shock: ... Oh dear, i'm having to go back there and get a signed beer mat or something!