sorry babes... cant help........ never had one...........touch wood..
But wanted to say hi and give u sympathy....
Try drinking Whiskey......... it always makes me feel lol lol
See ya soon honey
my boyfriend suffers with them, he swears by zovirax.
Once you have the herpies virus your stuck with it for life. They tend to come up when he's stressed from work or if i'm stressing him out, also hot weather brings his out. So your best having a nice bath (not hot might bring it out more) and relaxing.
And most important DONT kiss anyone it will spread the virus.
Hope it clears up soon hun. :therethere:
colsdsores..just hate them..
I do suffer witgh these occasionally..mainly when I am really shattered..
seems they attack me when at my lowest ebb..
Use Blisteze or Zov like most people but still take a week /10 days to go away..
I do eat a lot of fruit or take vitamin tablets to build up strength again..
our eldest lad gets them every so often,and we use to dab the sore with vinegar,very painful,but does seem to dry them up very quickly.
:shock: :shock: no it isn't lil miss
I was around 7 years old when I had my first one
thats genital herpes you are talking about lil.. and it can be passed on through unprotected sex ..
Got them from a girl when i was 18{14 years ago}and tried zovirx and it was,nt very good they came back,then i was on this new age traverlers site talking to a girl who lived in a horse box and she had loads of essencial oils,i told her that i was using zovirx and said it did,nt do that much and she told me about and gave me some essencial oil witchhazel.i dabbed it on my coldssaw and it dried it up so much that it fell of the next apply the essencial oil witchhazel three times a day to dry it pick it let it fall for me it never came luck ,it is great stuff better than what these chemical companies
Sis-in-laws a pharmacist and recommended something to dry them out and not a cream. We buy the above from Boots, comes in a little glass vile and works wonders. Lasts ages as well.
HSV type 1 (cold sores ) live in the optic nerve and spread back to the infection site in response to specific stimuli.
HSV type 2 (genital herpes ) live in a specific site in the spinal chord. and spread back in response to certain stimuli
I also suffer quite a lot from cold sores but have only recently found a herbal tablet that seems to clear them up a bit quicker than normal. It's called L-Lysine, is an essential amino acid and i get them from Holland & Barretts. Costs about 6 quid for 60 tablets. Hope you find something that works for you.
Luv Fee
There's a very serious side to cold sores.
Apart from the fact that you are stuck with them for life, any oral sex while you have the sores (and afew days after) could lead to transfering from mouth to genitals (and vice versa). Think of how uncomfortable the mouth ones are, now imagine what the genital sores will be like. For a start, sex will become near impossible.
Getting back to the serious side, if you think you are about to get one, DO NOT KISS children. If you miss the cheek and get them near their eyes/on eyes, you can serious trouble down the road. Even after many years, when the child has become an adult. The dormant virus may become activated, and travel along back to the eye (site of initial transmission). If any damage occurs to the cornea, then that person could then lose sight in that eye (or need a cornea transplant).
Forgot to mention that when you have active cold sores, you must not share towels with anybody and in fact you should use fresh face clothes that you wash in the hot wash after each use. Also you must wash your hands very carefully after touching your cold sore in order not to re-infect yourself or others.