Now that sh seem to be condoning commercial events i.e. socials held in houses where the hosts charge entry and make a profit, should there be a separate chargeable forum section to post these in. That way sh can profit from it too and drop the prices for membership?
A small fee of perhaps £20 per add... seems reasonable seeing as though if they charge £15 per single guy and £10 per couple £5 for single women, with 8 guys and 5 couples 3 women turning up thats £185 profit... and that means the £20 fee for the add would be a little over 10% of thier profit!
I think its all about people having enough information in order to make a choice, if there's an event you like the look of, the location is good and the date fits then we believe that its better to have it on the site than not.
Highlighting the point that its commercial or not 'non profit' as many of the events are here, allows people to better understand the organisers motives and to decide if its good value for money.
One day I'd like to see a section for more commercial events, for now we will review them on a case by case basis and if we believe that its actually detrimental to the site may revert back to the way it was. On the other hand if its positive then more reason to expand the idea.
I like the thinking but I don't think the numbers would stack up to make any real difference, one of the reasons that we don't charge for club listings.
Most likely it would result in less ads and less choice, but who knows until we try.
I didnt think you were allowed to list something that you were going to make money out of.
I'm in the process of trying to organise a munch and the guidlines state that you should only charge enough to cover costs as you are not allowed to make money out of it.
Did I read this wrong?
Not for profit?? Yes those are the guidelines, and its been common practice for some people to run social events on a regular basis and make huge profits from them.
Example: We went to a social once, and there was a £5 door charge per person, the nibbles advertised were a bowl of crisps on a few of the tables, it was in a pub that didnt charge for the room hire as they made money over the bar from the 120 or so people that were there. The DJ was an SH member, not entirely sure if he got paid or not.
Now I am no mathmatician, but the figures speak for themselves. The organising member must have made at least £500 clear. These socials were held on a very regular basis.
When I made moves to run a social event, with food (proper food) at a ticket price of £9 per head, with all profit over the costs of the room hire and food going to a children's registered charity I was told it wasnt allowed.
Hmmmmmmm make me think. Better to let SH members benefit than a few disadvantaged kids.
I think to charge people you are inviting into your home is a bit much myself, and as was previously stated, if you are going to a house party, take your own drinks, and food if you have special requirements, then there is no additional cost to the hosts. After all isnt this a social thing, not a business opportunity.
Clubs do make money from the social events SH members organise, and thats their business to do that. Surely members arrange the socials to have a good night out with some of their SH friends. I think it will make life rather complicated if we have to pay for ads for a social event and I think you will find there will be fewer events because of it. Or 'underground' socials will prevail as a result.
At the end of the day, people vote with their feet regarding charges.
Commercial events will give people more choice.
I don't have a problem with commercial events. Im not too bothered about SH raising money buy advertising or choosing not too. It all adds to choice and choice is good. I would like the rules about this onsite and the nature of events to be very clear though.
Aye Steve but as long as I know I can make a choice.
Fair points well made Dawnie.
As SH is a commercial enterprise I cannot see any problem with them making money through advertising....whatever that may be.
I also cannot understand why people are having a moan because someone who has organised a munch or social wants to make a few bob.
I know people who have organised such events and it is not a five minute job, to try and make it successful.
Even if people did charge it is only a minimal ammount in the wider scheme of things.
Making a few bob is the name of the game and IF people do not want to pay, then the choice is not to go.....simples.
SH in my opinion cannot and would not be held responsible IF anything went wrong.
SH are entitled like anyone else is, to make money anyway they deem fit too.
I think SH should allow members to advertise, and for that privilege they should charge them, if that is what they intend to do.
I believe that with a membership the size SH has, the members would be only too happy to pay.
I still cannot see why you are so annoyed about this though. If you feel they are making too much money from any party or social that a member arranges, then once again you have the choice not to go.
Skinnys on an average weekend in my estimation made over £2500, and they held a party every week.
Even though the costs were high there were still plenty of people willing to pay, and I believe that the munches and socials advertised on here, would do the same.