Just like to thank Swinging Heaven for being a completely genuine and honest site - it unfortunately is such a rarity - but with the very odd exception the community of people it has amassed are really decent folk - keep on keeping on xxx
I'll try it again.
ENTER SANDMAN (Don't any of you have kids who are into Heavy Metal??)
Sandman - nice that you can see the good things hereabouts. There are some really lovely people.
Hijacking post-
Hey I love Metallica - Sandman is that a reference to them or something completely different?
Listening to S&M at the moment actually - love it.
Awwww, that's so nice!!
(Judy, don't scare 'im off!!)
Hi Sandman, it's great to see such a positive post. Hope you continue to enjoy this place, as I do.
Can i mention some of the nutters on here are ok too? I just thought in my subdued moment i would drop in and say HI....
Dont shout it out or they will come out from wherever they are hiding...ssshhhhhhhhh
# is the hash
an americanism in everyday usage....
It's the latter - i'll try and change it to english keyboard! fingers crossed
/ is a forward slash methinx
thanks Reese - the font world is mine,mine I tell you mine broaghahaha !!!
Iceman - love the photo of Spy vs Spy - are you an old Mad fan?
Hi.... that's the sort of post I now wish I'd written when i arrived
As a Mac OS9 user, I tend to have 'issues' with the java chat, but if you are on OSX you should be ok. Failing that, there are plenty of irc applications that will let you in and add nice features that java doesn't have - I use ircle.
You should be able to get a # by pressing alt-3 (if you are on a mac where they used symbols rather than words on the keyboard, alt is the one next to the apple key that isn;t the spacebar).
Hope to say hi in chat sometime :-)
Welcome to never never land ......Enter Sandman
best guitar riffs EVER.
pity they sold out after this album. The Load sessions were interesting, Garage Inc. And S&M were fun albums but the new one is mince.
Anyway welcome to the cafe and I hope you get as much fun from this as we all do.
Brightens up the day coming in here every lunch time and catching up with what is happening out there.