So, when you meet up for a sexy encounter, whose responsibility is it to provide condoms? I have begun to notice that when we invite single guys to join us, they invariably arrive sans condoms! Surely, before you leave the house guys, you should be thinking about sticking a couple in your pocket. Do you really expect the females to supply them all the time? Another thing. Couples, if you have meetings with single guys, who usually puts the condom on? The female or the guy? Just wondering.
would have thought both would have them in this day and protect both parties.
The single guy should remember his old scouting days and " Be Prepared" !!!!
as for the couple or the female.....would have thought a couple just incase is always useful.....just incase !!
As for putting it is great to have a female put it on for you.....once met a girl in Holland on holiday and she put the condom on with her mouth.....extremely sexy !!!
i wouldn't dream of turning up without them? and was very surprised when a certain lovely young lady was surprised herself to find i'd actually bothered to buy some? seems pretty poor manners and pretty poor form not to? as for who puts them on, well a little assistance so as not to break the mood fumbling is always good! ;)
neil x x x ;)
Terry taught me to put a condom on with my mouth. :twisted: It always gives the chaps a surprise when I unwrap a strawberry flavoured one and place it between my lips and bend down...
The chocolate one gave Terry a smile, though... "I've never had a black one" he said, "I have!" I replied :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I think it's 50/50... although I'd be cross if the guys didn't automatically reach into their pockets.
When it comes to putting them on, surely it is only politeness for the lady to help. After all a femine hand in the right place helps to keep things up and interesting.
And if she can put it on with her mouth, well then i think i've met someone with whom i could swing forever!
Oops....sorry, best I delete all that.
I think it's only polite for a guy to bring them with him - it is after all a shared experience, and in more ways than one. Having said that, we've got our own - J doesn't like ones with the little teat thing at the end, so we've got some without it. And yes, she does put them on the guy using her mouth.
Love the avatar Blue!
I usually put the whole box of 12 on at the start of the night and just peel one off after each partner :shock:
i always have a supply of condoms in my bag , though if playing with a guy.. i have to admit to expecting him to have some too!!!!
i think its a bit bad of a single guy to go to a club and expect someone to not only allow him to shag his wife.. but also supply the condoms for it too! lol
btw.. i can put them on with my mouth... i love the vanill aones.. i bought 60 of them on ebay for 12 quid last month!
I always take condoms and lube when I go out looking for sex, unless it's to a sauna where they're usually provided. There's nothing worse than seeing someone you want to fuck and finding that neither of you has a condom.
ooo shut up you lot!......have bloody loads here for Mr Debs............just wished he would find a...women to use them on! :bounce: :bounce:
So much bloody working that does it!.............Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr well i am coming with a bloody sack load for the Notts Munch!................. just in case!
so all you women get on top of Mr debs then old Debbiwebs can have her fun wip heeeeeeeeee.....look i am getting so bllody excited here i can not get me bloody posts right :doh:
To be honest, nowadays there is no excuse for anyone not having condoms. Doesn't matter if you're a guy or a girl, you should have condoms on you.
m always carries condoms in her handbag.
when we are at a club, she tucks a couple into the top of her holdups!