I'll certainly steer clear of rifle ranges in future, just in case they hold the same opinions!!!
What happened to you is downright awful.
On a serious note - This site, and the cafe in particular, is the right place to discuss issues such as behaviour in clubs.
It raises awareness of what others will and will not accept in terms of behaviour, and once you are certain of what is acceptable, you are then able to deal with the un-acceptable.
No means No, and that is that. If someone is pushy, and will not take no for an answer, contact the staff at the club and they will deal with it. If you do not receive a positive response from the staff, then report that to the management.
If you do not receive a positive response from the management, then come here. If an individual club does have a problem with the way it is run, it is in our benefit, and in the long run, the clubs benefit that it is sorted.