Are we?
What's the first thing you do when you've logged in?
Check who's online
Check to see if you've new mail
Check who's looked at me
Check the forum
My own guilty pleasure is the forum and then the stories..
I am.
Check who's looked at me.
Check my mail.
Check the forum.
Maybe go into chat, depending on the time of day.
I check my mail, if I have it.
Then forums.
I never look at who has looked at me :doh: Well, I do... but very rarely. I fear I am missing a trick.
The bookmark I use takes me straight to the forum .... I read it,decide if anyone has been enough of an idiot to be told so, then I log in
1. Panic I have too many emails that I have yet to respond to (been too busy lately).
2. Ignore emails (for now...)
3. Check forum
4. Pop into chat room
pop into the forums now and then.
some of the topics are interesting
PMs if I have any
Chatroom if I have time
I rarely look at who has viewed me because once I'm in chat, a fair few people take a nosey but it doesn't mean anything, they never send a pm :lol2:
Log in
Check mail (yeah right, I'm a single male)
Check meets
Check photo ads
Check forum
Pop into chatroom
Chatroom, the cafe. Unless I have mail, then mail 2nd, cafe can wait
I definately am
1) Check forums
2) See who has looked at us
3) Check which friends are on line
4) Join chat rooms
5) Read stories
This is me sometimes
1) Check forums
2) Decide to reply/post something
3) Realised I'm not logged in
4) Log in
5) Get distracted by something/someone whilst trying to reply
6) Lose train of thought
7) Find another thread
8) Dispair at comments/ideas/posts
9) Marvel at comments/ideas/posts
10) Get bored - check chatrooms
11) Try to get over the feeling like I just gatecrashed a party
12) Say something stupid
13) Get horny if someone is doing a show
14) Say something even more stupid
15) Feel like a complete idiot
14) Get back to forum
15) Look at time and smack head (I've been here for hours!)
16) Log out