Need a skip to de-clutter my cellar
Was about to suggest ebay then saw Pete already had. I`ve got rid of quite abit of stuff recently on there.
Also I signed onto freecycle for our local area (most areas have one) and I`ve got rid of a bulky item to a good home on there cos some stuff wouldnt shift on ebay but it still needs getting rid of.
The problem in decluttering is the question you ask yourself when you pick up an item.
"Do I want to throw this away?"
A better question is
"Do I want to keep this?"
There is a subtle but significant difference between the question and the second one leads to more trips to the tip and charity shops.
I live in a clutter-free home in the hope that it will give me a clutter-free mind...
It doesn't work! :silly:
Hello swingers my name's AWOL and I'm a hoarder!
I'm forever trying to clear my cellar and in the process making countless trips to my local recycling centre. It was ridiculous trying to get into my cellar because of huge amunt of clutter I collected over the years.
As a hopeless hoarder I sometimes bring stuff back home from the recycling dump - I know it's sad but can't help it. Sometimes things need a home. I can hear them calling "AWOL I'm homeless please take me home!"
At home I'm quite fond of keeping small sticks of wood for the sole purpose of stirring paint and I've only realised that I must have the equivalent of four trees in small sticks! I have a large collection of planks of wood that I think they'll come in useful one day.
I had about six computer cases and four large monitors and countless pieces of computer related equipmet - I manage to build four computers for friends to give away - felt good about that
I tend to hold onto things I think may come in useful for something, only to end up throwing it away later. The problem is that as soon as you decide to throw something out it is guaranteed you'll need it the very next day even though you haven't used it in 20 years!
There's no hope for me :cry:
Is it a summer thing...
mega-decluttering going on in the Kryp's househould, and now know how to do it quite successfully.
answer, get rid of drawers and cupboards. every single drawer and cupboard that i have ever so happily destroyed has been full of stuff that might "come in handy" later, none of it ever has. no space to store it, no clutter :-)
After reading this i thought it was time i started sorting out my garage. But Hell, when i started moving some stuff what do you think came scurrying out from behind an old cupboard.
Yeah, a big fat rat has declared squatters rites. :shock:
First thing tomorrow i am gonna dig out me air rifle and give this sucker a taste of some high speed lead poisoning.
Now, where did i put that gun ??????
no need to kill it, just tidy up, the cheeky fella will move along
I like to do this now and then Anais, normally when I'm feeling stressed actually. I get a bin bag and fill it with stuff I've been hoarding or as lately sell on Ebay .. it's amazing what people will buy! :shock:
I'm very much a minimal person, I hate ornaments and such so mess I can do without.
reading some of these posts i got the impression one of the problems is cant be ar**d to move the stuff. try this site, so long as the vstuff is ok you can advertise it & it gets collected free. downside is its sooo easy to find someone giving something away you simply cant do without. worth a look though
never satisfied...1
filthy rat........0
oh yes. the great white hunter returns from his garage in triumph after a bit of de-cluttering of the rat kind.
so if any of you need some professional help(in pest control) then let me know.