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Declaration of war!!

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I hereby give notice that I (and hopefully the other Mods) will no longer tolerate shite threads or shite posts in the Cafe.
I have had enough!!!! I used to love this place and the people within it. Now I can barely stand moderating it, and if something isn't done soon this site will become as mundane and boring as all the other forums on the internet.
What has made this place so much better than all the others has been the mix of swinging, sex, funny and interesting posts/ threads from the members. Recently it has become a site where anyone can post anything about anything they want, whether the subject be interesting to most people or not.
NO MORE!! I am taking it upon myself to improve the standard of contributions here. I am so fed up of the standards now that I will stand or fall by that decision. I will either make this a better place or if you the members feel I am wrong, then I will leave, letting you decide what should or should not be allowed in here.
I hope to have your support, because this place is your place, and someone has to act on your behalf, but if I am wrong, and you tell me I am wrong, then I will accept that and leave you to the forum that you desire.
Hear Hear!!! :twisted:
I personally vow to improve the standards of posts on this board in any way possible, and will withdraw my plan to post regarding the amount of Salmonella cases dropping since Edwina Currie resigned!
And I have another proposal! The board should run a badge scheme. The "Animated Avatar" badges are a start, but there should be more, like "Most Consistently Interesting" and "Most Humorous" and "Most Convincing TV" lol
I sign up for the War on Miserable Posts and pledge to rid the board of Threads of Mass Boredom (TMB's) :lol:
L x
seriously tho "Sarge", completely agree with you on this one, and as will anyone of sane mind lol
may i suggest a little guidance for everyone? there are obvious good threads & the obvious turds but there's a large grey area between. so come on sarge, give it to us straight :scared:
Quote by meat2pleaseu
may i suggest a little guidance for everyone? there are obvious good threads & the obvious turds but there's a large grey area between. so come on sarge, give it to us straight :scared:

The Ham Radio thread springs to mind lol rolleyes
I mean, theres current events and... well, that lol
Quote by meat2pleaseu
may i suggest a little guidance for everyone? there are obvious good threads & the obvious turds but there's a large grey area between. so come on sarge, give it to us straight :scared:

Look, this is just a recce to find out the feelings out there. Don't expect particulars yet!!!! confused :? :? :? :?
Quote by Sgt Bilko
Don't expect particulars yet!!!!

Looks like Sarge has his weekend Specials uniform on again :shock: He wants to take down our particulars......................but not just yet lol
Quote by Sgt Bilko
I hereby give notice that I (and hopefully the other Mods) will no longer tolerate shite threads or shite posts in the Cafe.
I have had enough!!!! I used to love this place and the people within it. Now I can barely stand moderating it, and if something isn't done soon this site will become as mundane and boring as all the other forums on the internet.
What has made this place so much better than all the others has been the mix of swinging, sex, funny and interesting posts/ threads from the members. Recently it has become a site where anyone can post anything about anything they want, whether the subject be interesting to most people or not.
NO MORE!! I am taking it upon myself to improve the standard of contributions here. I am so fed up of the standards now that I will stand or fall by that decision. I will either make this a better place or if you the members feel I am wrong, then I will leave, letting you decide what should or should not be allowed in here.
I hope to have your support, because this place is your place, and someone has to act on your behalf, but if I am wrong, and you tell me I am wrong, then I will accept that and leave you to the forum that you desire.

Great thread Sarge, I totally agree with your sentiments!
You certainly have my support.....and I guess a lot of others too.
I think this has been coming for a little while as there certainly has been a "shift" in the posting style in the Cafe....just could never put my finger on what has happened. I'm not saying all threads.... but a fair few.
Anyway, well done for bringing this into the open - hopefully there might be a change for the good.

well,,,I'm game..........
Promise to stop replying to posts when I'm bored, or nothing relevant to say redface :P
It's been shite for some time....................
Do it :thumbup: - please!
Should make this thread a sticky as well - so its a constant reminder.
From someone who used to post a lot..........usually crap tho..........I took time out and just read for a bit. Why? Because there was nothing that I could reply to. I like a good debate and I like my humour (usually about me tho mad ) but there was nothing there......just drivel.
I am now starting to see who has started the threads......and if it is not someone I have noticed on another post that has made a decent reply then I just skip it. These people only stay for about 100 posts (in the first 2 days) anyway.
If Sarge and the other mods lock or delete shite then I would give them my full support. He has locked my posts sometimes. Why? I didn't follow the "Don't post shite" advice. Realised what I had done and not done it again (but sometimes slip up lol ).
If we want to increase the number of decent posts then we have to get rid of the constant drivel coming on. We are all adults and can accept the reasons that the mods put up on the post as to why they have kicked or locked it. Some of the reasons are evn funnier than the post.........and I am sad to actually open all the locked threads :lol:
So back the Sarge and get the standard of the posts up.
e.g. Dino and his boat trip.
So what constitutes a decent post ???? and in who's opinion ????
I thought the point of the cafe was to allow people the opportunity to say what they wanted to say .................. the fact that you dont want to hear it .............. or dont want to comment on it ............. doesn't make it crap ............ it just makes it irrelevant to you !!
I know this is gonna make me as popular as a hole in the head ............... but leave the threads alone........... unless they break the rules !!!
Everyone on here is entitled to say what they want .............. if we were all the same wouldnt the world be a boring place ???
Your humour might not be mine........... and mine might not be yours ................. but does that mean that my humour has no place on here and yours does ????
I enjoy my time on this site coz of the diversity of the people on here..................... and that includes the silly, boring,not my taste threads !!!
Getting off the soap box now and going to hide in a dark dark corner !!!! lol
Sex God
As long as the Cafe is officially an "anything else" forum, some people are going to take that as carte blanche to treat it like a chat room. I wouldn't want to see any hard and fast rules about allowable topics, but I do think there's a case to be made for moving the really mind-numbingly tedious drivel of the "What did you have for breakfast?" and "Ooooh I like your bum, do you like mine?" and "My budgie's got a cold, pity me." type threads, and anything that is basically a time-killing conversation between a few people who haven't heard of PM, into a separate area. Call it the Boring Bin, or something more diplomatic if you like, and just move the rubbish into there. That would accomplish two things: It would enable those who aren't interested in the posts that exist purely for the sake of existing to avoid them, and also to prevent whinges about "freedom of speech" from people who regard a locking as an infringement of their right to seek attention.
I think in the long run it would cause people to start to look at what they're writing a bit more objectively and maybe make a bit more of an effort to inform or entertain or just exchange opinions in a manner that is interesting to more than just the people they are directly addressing. Those who like the "Ooooo errrr missus" and "awwwww hun" and all of that can carry on doing it without upsetting anyone. biggrin
Agree with you to an extent Blonde, but there are some ridiculously stupid threads that appear and they are getting more and more numerous.
When we joined we read a lot of the back-dated posts that caught our eye, and there seemed to be more then. It doesn't seem to be at crisis point though.
The thing is, whilst it is a "cafe", surely its for people to chat about matters relevant to the site that board is on - and a lot of threads just aren't relevant to anyone in the slightest.
The reason people are on the site is to chat to like minded people about like minded subjects - Ham radios don't really fall under that category!
Perhaps the solution is creating a thread that deals with specialist issues, such as "How to fix microwaves?" or "Anyone know how much it costs to insure trains?" - because these matters have little to no everyday interest.
But, ironically, a discussion like this does make a really good thread, and its a result of discussing an influx of bad threads! lol
Don't limit free speech - but limit aimless posts.
Christ Ice! :shock: Scary! You just almost wrote my mini-essay word-by-word and beat me to it!
We seem to concur then!!! lol
Aimless posts ????
Aimless to who ????
No-one has the right to tell me what I should discuss or comment on !!!!
If the thread is a bad one............. it quickly moves to the bottom !!!!
Leave it alone ! It isnt broken............. so, dont try to fix it !
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sex God
Quote by blonde
You are Ops or Mods to enforce the site rules.......... not your own !!!

That's a killer argument with which I completely agree. I don't want the mods to presume to disallow anything that isn't already disallowed by the AUP, but I do think they should have the means to exercise some judgement over what's likely to irritate people pointlessly and put it somewhere where we can enter at our own risk. wink
Sex God
Quote by blonde
If the thread is a bad one............. it quickly moves to the bottom !!!!

Sometimes that happens, but not always. It's just as likely to attract a lot of sniping, baiting, trolling, call it what you like and end up in a flame war that only ends when someone gets banned. :cry:
Quote by Ice Pie
You are Ops or Mods to enforce the site rules.......... not your own !!!

That's a killer argument with which I completely agree. I don't want the mods to presume to disallow anything that isn't already disallowed by the AUP, but I do think they should have the means to exercise some judgement over what's likely to irritate people pointlessly and put it somewhere where we can enter at our own risk. wink
But what gives anyone the right to decide what is likely to irritate people pointlessly !!!
We decide ourselves by not answering............ the thread moves down the page until it hits page 2 !!!
I dont want to be on a nanny site !!! Do u really ?
Sex God
Quote by blonde
You are Ops or Mods to enforce the site rules.......... not your own !!!

That's a killer argument with which I completely agree. I don't want the mods to presume to disallow anything that isn't already disallowed by the AUP, but I do think they should have the means to exercise some judgement over what's likely to irritate people pointlessly and put it somewhere where we can enter at our own risk. wink
But what gives anyone the right to decide what is likely to irritate people pointlessly !!!
We decide ourselves by not answering............ the thread moves down the page until it hits page 2 !!!
I dont want to be on a nanny site !!! Do u really ?

No I don't, and I don't think what I'm advocating would lead to that. You may be wise enough to ignore the stuff you don't like, but not everyone is as restrained as you and we do end up with a lot of flame wars. What I'm proposing is a means to hopefully cut down on that without restricting what people can or can't post. smile
Sex God
Quote by blonde
But what gives anyone the right to decide what is likely to irritate people pointlessly !!!

A judgement call based on experience. You can look at a thread, and so can I, and just know that the numpty-baiters are going to pounce on it.
So we are going for a "Cafe forum" and a "crap posts" forum ??? lol lol lol
Sorry...... but if I want to post a thread about world peace........ I will.......... and if I want to post a thread about .............. how to make a stew ...........i will !!!!
I am not breaking any rules and shouldnt be judged by anyone to be making a crap post !!
Some people want deep and meaning full discussions and others just want a giggle !!
I thought "EACH TO THEIR OWN" had a place on here ?
Ice Pie
I love discussions like this ............... but I should have been in bed over an hour ago........... at least !!! lol
Is this a crap post ? Or part of a bigger picture ........... the choice is yours at the moment!!
But if we delete or move all "crap posts" where would this one have ended up ??
Nite nite babe
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sex God
Quote by blonde
So we are going for a "Cafe forum" and a "crap posts" forum ??? lol lol lol
Sorry...... but if I want to post a thread about world peace........ I will.......... and if I want to post a thread about .............. how to make a stew ...........i will !!!!
I am not breaking any rules and shouldnt be judged by anyone to be making a crap post !!
Some people want deep and meaning full discussions and others just want a giggle !!
I thought "EACH TO THEIR OWN" had a place on here ?

I haven't suggested that you shouldn't post about stew lol
What I'm suggesting is that if a mod thinks the thread is going to generate a flame war, or indeed has already done so, then they could have somewhere to move it. It could then carry on in that other place, nobody gets locked, nobody gets deleted, nobody needs to complain about anything. biggrin
Sex God
Quote by blonde
Is this a crap post ? Or part of a bigger picture ........... the choice is yours at the moment!!

It's a reasoned discussion in its proper place. :P
And it's not my choice, thankfully; I'm just making a suggestion.
Nite kiss
Quote by Ice Pie
I haven't suggested that you shouldn't post about stew lol

Good coz I make a bluddy good stew !!!! :lol:
I am definately going to bed now !!! Have a hot date tomorrow :lol:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by Dave__Notts
From someone who used to post a lot....................I took time out and just read for a bit. Why? Because there was nothing that I could reply to. there was nothing there......just drivel.

Well said Dave.
I havent posted for weeks because there really is nothing I feel I want to add to any threads. (except this one.)
I used to spend long evenings posting merrily in the forum - giggling away and enjoying the banter. I used to rush to my pc in the morning to see who had replied to my posts.
Now I just skim-read banal threads and wonder what happened. rolleyes
With you all the way Sarge. cool
Quote by SunBunny
I used to spend long evenings posting merrily in the forum - giggling away and enjoying the banter. I used to rush to my pc in the morning to see who had replied to my posts.
Now I just skim-read banal threads and wonder what happened. rolleyes
With you all the way Sarge. cool

Couldn't have put it better myself. I skip more posts and posters in here than I ever did before. Why oh why do some people feel the need to post in nearly every thread when they haven't really got anything to say?
And I know I shall get bollocked for this again, but whatever happened to punctuation?
Quote by Sgt Bilko
I hereby give notice that I (and hopefully the other Mods) will no longer tolerate shite threads or shite posts in the Cafe.
I have had enough!!!! I used to love this place and the people within it. Now I can barely stand moderating it, and if something isn't done soon this site will become as mundane and boring as all the other forums on the internet.
What has made this place so much better than all the others has been the mix of swinging, sex, funny and interesting posts/ threads from the members. Recently it has become a site where anyone can post anything about anything they want, whether the subject be interesting to most people or not.
NO MORE!! I am taking it upon myself to improve the standard of contributions here. I am so fed up of the standards now that I will stand or fall by that decision. I will either make this a better place or if you the members feel I am wrong, then I will leave, letting you decide what should or should not be allowed in here.
I hope to have your support, because this place is your place, and someone has to act on your behalf, but if I am wrong, and you tell me I am wrong, then I will accept that and leave you to the forum that you desire.

Hmmm..... got to agree with you Sarge.... there have been a large amount of pointless threads recently..... but Blonde does have a good case to argue........
Just because some of the threads may seem pointless to some..... to others.... its what they wish to have discussed..... banal or not.......!!!
The whole point of a forum is for topics on a wide base of subjects to be posted and discussed................. if i don't like a subject or feel i have nothing to add to it..... i don't.... its as simple as that......
It would be great if every thread started was a high point of banter and discussion... but with the wide scope of people using the forum...... not everyone wants to chat about rocket science............. live and let live.......
equi-princess xxx
I agree with Sarge's sentiments and motivation - there is a lot of crap around.
I don't think the mods putting themselves in the position of being the arbiters of 'good' is fair on the mods generally or likely to save 'em any work 'cos they'll be dealing with a load of 'why did they delete my post' whinges. I think there's a better way.
It is worth analysing where most of the offending threads/posts come from. I think it is mostly people who are finding their feet on the site and quite understandably do not appreciate what they are doing. Not really their fault - just happens.
So, and I know I'm peddling this idea again but, why don't we allow all new members a cooling off period whereby they cannot post for a period after they have joined - say a week/two weeks. It will allow the good ones to do a bit of reading and the one hit wonders may never manage the one hit. It will reduce work for the mods and maybe give us all a bit of peace to get on with having a blast.
Gotta be worth a try - I've been told it is technically possible.