It would be good manners to let the author know but thats the way it works..
I'll check in the bowels of the site but there are so many categories I could be some time.
#1 - Rubbish
#2 - Drunken ramblings
#3 - Very drunken ramblings
#4 - Late night ramblings
#5 - Totally off site topic topics
#6 - Incomprehensible drunken ramblings
#7 - Miscellaneous site dropped off forum
#8 - Assorted site glitch caused
#9 - Mad Mod deletions
#10 - Yeh... whatever...
I need a hard hat and a miners lamp for this task!
well i must not tell a lie... it was me who posted the response that i didnt think the topic was suitable for the site...... but it wasnt my aim for the thread to be was simply my opinion, based on my time here and the similar threads ive seen descend into chaos......
dont get me wrong, its not as if i dont think such matters are important, but, " anti-american/iranian/alien/whatever " threads aren't perhaps "cafe" material........... .
maybe im happy to discuss
there needs to be more "love" in here.......
So the thread was deleted because it wasn't about swinging?????
So, liver and onions is an integral part of the swinging experience?????