So a woman comes out of a pub. She is pulled into the bushes beaten and , may be killed. The man has left DNA. The DNA is tested.
Do we check it against a limited data base in the hope that the man has been caught before?
Or do we check it against a full data base of British subjects and visitors to the country, pick the man up inside a day and stop him from doing it fro the next who knows how long.
I say we have a full data base. We will catch more criminals. Those we catch now will be caught sooner. In short we will have less crime, we will if the offenders are taken of the street by the courts.
Sampling take less that a minuet. The cost could be added to port tax and not everyone would need to be tested as some would be subjects and others repeat visitors. So spread out over all passengers the cost would be low.
Yes there are always 'evaders' but DNA is a very good way to prove ID, making ID theft harder. Making it easier to determine if A is indeed A or an illegal.
Oh and babies would be sampled at birth.
DNA profiling and assesment of evidence is not as cut and dried as CSI might make you believe.
Let alone the fact that the GOVT can berely manage to keep your private details out of the hands of anyone
I think it should be opt in and with control of the data and meta about the data in the hands of the owners of said not a central database.
If they want a full database on me then I want a refund in tax for the lesser amount of work the police and other authorities are having to tackle.
If they want a full database on me then I want a refund in tax for the lesser amount of work the police and other authorities are having to tackle.
This is a good point!! Me too!!
Whether I was a criminal or not. I think that DNA collection is 'policing' to a level I think is unacceptable.
What happens with my body is my business and I think it is akin to the ' ' that you are using as an analogy to defend the harvesting of my cells.
Why stop at DNA ??? do a "job lot" and take your fingerprints at the same time, perhaps a mugshot or two -- and of course if they implanted a chip in your head too (as they do with dogs and cats) they could have detectors on all shop entrances so police computers could follow you in your daily round to see where you were and what naughty things you might get up to!!!!
this system, like ID cards, is open to abuse.
The UK already has more security cameras than any other country in the world.
Soon this will be like a police state. It's half way there already.
Carry-on then, volunteer to be dna'ed.
No problem, you've not committed a crime.
Mind you, you may well be declined insurance if your dna reveals that you are prone/going-to-be prone to a disease. You may even be arrested if your dna was found at a crime scene, never mind that you only visited the place to do the plumbing/cleaning/painting/delivery...etc
After all, once you've given it to the gov it ceases to be "yours" and becomes "theirs" to do with as they want.....
And it will not only be "given" to this gov, the home office routinely shares information with the US fact, they have "live" access to police records. Further, it was announced today that the dna database will be accessible to all eu govs as well.
And to cap it all, the chance of your being arrested for nothing actually increases the more people are sampled...because while the chance of two people being the same is remote, the amount being checked is small, so you may well match someone else with the 20 points (for instance) taken.....and you'd have to wait for a thorough check to be made. Then again, the crim may well be a relative of yours....
Oh, this gets to be SO complex.
It all depends on the honesty of the police as well....after all, crimes committed 30 years ago may be easily solved with the addition of a small amount of your skin/salive/semen/blood etc.... and who's to tell ?
Who really gives a monkeys about someone shouting "IT WASN'T ME"
Nah...the police are doing quite well enough putting innocent people in jail as it is....
If it comes in , if DNA or this stuff comes in ,then I am going to do three things.
1. apply for copywrite of my DNA and Fingerprints.
2. Pay for a 23 and me kit and publish my DNA information and data public ally with some appropriate license.
3. Scan in high resolution all my finger and palm prints then publish them
I figure if the Govt wants it then we should just drop it all out there if we all did that the value of the information becomes diluted by its availability. It would undermine and reduce the value and effectiveness of such systems. After al it wouldnt just be you and the govt that could have access to that information so now youve got a interesting alibi.
The Govt and private business is no place to hold anything confidential so you might as well make it public.
im a bit of a rebel really
Many old violent cases are solved by a DNA sample taken due to an arrest for a completely separate crime today. It is not the fact that the criminal is deterd but the fact that the criminal is taken off the street before committing further crimes. How many lives could a data base have save in the last ten years? How much crime prevented by locking criminals up? How many of us would not have come home to a ransacked home?
Yes the TV show CSI does stretch the abilities of science. The fact remains if you have a drop of blood, a scape of skin or even less an offender can be identified.
As for miss-carriages of justice, it is not the science that puts the wrong person in prison, it is twelve men and women. I remind you that the guilty go free daily because of a lack of evidence, that the guilty are release from prison not because they are innocent but because there is a chance, just a chance that they may be innocent.
As for needing less police on the street if a DNA data base is introduced, that's good. Less crime less police. Less spent on the police service.
Advances in technology often have a downside as well as an up. In 1935, IBM were the proud manufacturers of a machine called the Hollerith, which recorded details of individuals on punched cards. It was widely used worldwide for census data, and to count votes in elections. It enabled the Nazis to carry out a nation-wide census in 1933 and 1939. It specifically identified Jews and Gypsies on those cards. At least 6 million of the people so identified didn’t make it to 1945.
The technology is neutral, but the uses to which it is put are subject to the vagaries of government, and please no one say “it could never happen here” !!!
I have no doubt that if the ipswich murderer had not been caught he would have carried on, so the dna database has saved lives. My own worries about the system infringing on my civil liberties are meaningless in comparison with the value of a life, so I agree with the database.
No-one should be convicted on the strength of a single piece of evidence. Ever.
A smear of skin cells means bugger all. A fingerprint means not much. A fibre that is the same as my (and hundreds of others) jumper is irrelevant. But all three on the body of a murder victim is highly unlikely to have come from more than one person. Add a reliable witness to me running away with blood on my shirt and you've got me. But any one on their own should never convict someone.
BTW. Has it been mentioned that if you are arrested then cleared - exonerated completely - you CANNOT have your DNA record removed from the database.
Personally I would chip babies (stops them getting snatched) and everyone would be on the DNA database. But the rules on evidence quality, quantity and source should be far stricter.
i got put on the dna database just for a adult caution.
which seemed a bit harsh as it was for an offence that didnt involve anyone.
I think it’s a really bad idea. Yes you can say it will catch people quicker and so on but its big brother.. This stuff is as only as good as the people controlling it. Its not that far fetched to think if some one wants you framed then it can be done with out you even been there, just a few cells at a crime scene and your done for ! It’s all a bit minority report for my likening. You’re making too much of a noise on the political scene or you object a little too loud then that’s it. Like I say it only as good at the weakest link in the chain and that link is man..