Last night - while watching the film Cinema Paradiso.
I do when a situation reminds me of a bad expeience.
Also when I have a very good belly laugh..........the tears run down my face
I do sometimes watching a film or TV programme. Cried the other night when I was pissed (I think) but I don't remember why now :confused:
:lol2: :lol2:
I sometimes feel the odd tear welling up at sad moments in a good movie, if I am very depressed or under a lot of stress for some reason or If I have really physically hurt myself somehow. Its not something I would want to do in front of other people though unless I really just couldn’t control it.
I am sorry your feeling a bit low. You have lots of friends here. If I was there I would give you a nice cuddle but this is the best I can do from here ---> :therethere:
I cry everytime Man Utd loses
For some reason I don't cry when people die, (not so far anyway). I DO cry at the drop of a cinematic hat, any emotional bit in a movie and I'm gone. I have also cried a bit recently, or perhaps "broke down" would be a better expression, (it came as a surprise to me, I don't do that sort of thing).
every time i hear arvey marria as it was played at my fathers funeral
Debs, they won`t admit it! ;)
Debs, pop in The Legends of the Fall dvd (you've got to have that in your collection, don't you?) and have Brad cry for you.
Breaks my hear every time.
Hi Debbs. Sorry to hear you're down. If there was anything I could say or do to lift your spirits - I would.
To answer your question - I cry. Why and how often; I don't know. Usually it involves one of my kids, or an animal.
I suppose all fathers cry at or shortly after the birth of a child, I know I did.
My biggest recent weep, was due to the death of my horse last year. (But some of you knew that)
I cry everytime I look at your sexy pic, and realise you live far away in cockoo land :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
It really depends on the situation..i do a lot of work with kids and that can be distressing at I cry to release the pressure.
I also miss my mum quite abit since she died and that makes me cry.
The only other time is when I get very angry.
I'm not ashamed to admit that I cry. My dad was taken ill over the summer in the most distressing way I could imagine and after I'd been to visit him in hospital I burst into tears at the bus stop. I blubbed my way through the journey, to the town centre, to a cafe for something to eat and all the way home again. I also cried over Christmas when a really good friendship came to an abrupt end. It's nothing to be ashamed of as far as I'm concerned.
I don't cry often, but when I do it is often when I'm moved by loss, either my own or expressions of other people's. When I posted a poem I like very much on the SH thread last September (not written by me), I went straight back to bed and cried my eyes out. Some of the heart-rending obituaries in the Virtual Memorial Garden (one of the earliest of its type, much imitated but still the best I think) have a similar effect on me.
Debs - The thought of you being unhappy makes me want to cry!! :cry: :cry:
I cried at both my daughters birth. Amazing experience :!:
Cried buckets when our dog had to be put to sleep last November.