That was very noble :thumbup:
visit to cinema every week £10pp approx X 52 = £520
gym membership £30+pp per month X 12 = £360+
sh yearly membership £50 approx
I think for the most part this has been a good discussion. I've learned stuff. Maybe i do put things in a way that does seem contentious. Though never with the intent of malice. The topic arose from a chat with other SH members old and new eye to eye. Maybe the topic didn't travel well from there. Just have to put up with me I'm afraid. It is the way it is. I have no doubt i'll post something that gets on peoples t*ts again sometime. And i'll get another slap to boot. Be philosophical and know that last thing I want to do is single anyone out and make feel bad.
SH is a great place old and new members alike. And from now until I'm in a position where by i cannot afford to pay, hopefully never, I'm happy enough to pay, it really does make no difference to me that others don't. I get my monies worth at the very least. It is more than that though Some of the people and friends we've made have no value. They're priceless.
I had heard a rumour recently that there were plans to stop all free membership and get rid of "freeloaders" but as with all rumours, how much is true and how much is chinese whispers?
I hope that there isn't any truth in this rumour.
I don't know why paying members would begrudge any of the old members their free membership, if we pay or not isn't going to have any effect on their subscriptions and their choice was to join a paying/subscription site, it wasnt ours.
LG (still on soapbox it seems)
I think this has been a great discussion, and why shouldnt it stir up some serious debate and thinking?? Thats what good debate thrives on.
I cant see anywhere were it looks like Lost was trying to be malicious or 'stirry'....someone thought his post was badly worded....maybe it was.....there but for the grace of god go any of us, in not being as eloquent as others.
Lost pointed out that his idea may not have travelled as well from his brain via the keyboard to the screen....some dont, Ive had those moments myself, where something sounds fab in your head, but dies on its arse in the forum.
This thread however has been, for the most part, really good. And throwing my twopennorth in, in life, some people get bargains, some dont....its called being in the right place at the right time, and for that you are rewarded......simple as.....
One day its someone elses turn, another time its your turn, swings and roundabouts.....when its not your turn, you might feel miffed, but you congratulate the lucky ones and move on....for to be sure, another piece of good fortune waits just around the corner for you.
I love being on this site, Im not swinging at the minute....just cant seem to get the hang of it really LOL, but i enjoy this forum and thats worth the £50 IMHO, i have 'met' some lovely people on here, and some have become good friends, both real life ones AND cyber ones (you know who you are)
and there are some who I hope to make my friends...and a list as long as my arm to chat to and flirt with at Bolton....and when I get my arse into gear and learn how to do this lark properly, maybe i might even get to play with some of yas (heres hoping anyways!!)
i dont feel miffed.
Luck of the draw thats all simple as.