just a thought, and this is a bit of an open question. do you think men, women and couples back out at the last minute because they like the idea and not the reality? would like to hear views on this, could be quite intresting!
Works for me, too :twisted:
ive heard that there might be the occassional tryst twixt folk in these here realms...
might be a rumour though
thats 1 of many reasons marcus i guess, however we've been on here nearly 3 years on and off and gotta say it's getting better, at first only 1% of peeps turned up for arranged meets but our dogging meet yesterday actually got 10% turned up,so vast improvement, however you seem to get a larger %age turn up for social / munches.
To answer the original question, Yep its worked for us.
Timewasters......hmmmmm difficult one this, of course they exist, in any walk of life there are talkers and there are do'ers.
People who set up meets with the intention of never keeping to arrangements made, well i think everyone has pretty much the same opinion of them.
The person just starting out is a bit different imho i know when we first started how nervous we both were, so i suppose we can empathsise a bit, if folks are in this situation we would much rather have a message saying 'I/We arnt sure can we postpone' than turn up and know that one of the people dosnt feel comfortable or even want to be involved in the situation. Theres far too much that can go wrong and it can have the effect of putting poeple off for good.
To be honest if we have a meet arranged and we get a message cancelling it wether before or in the days following, we'll always give folks another chance after all, life does have this habit of getting in the way sometimes!