you dont belong anymore
its quite strange, been thinking about this a bit lately and sometimes i feel like i dont belong here, i dont mean the site as such, more the scene.
gone are the days when i was that new person everyone wanted to know, which isnt necessarily a bad thing, but even some people i thought were really good friends hardly even speak to me now, they will say a few words on msn if i speak to them then say brb and never come back.
the forums dont excite me anymore, and no thats not a dig at the people posting, i think its more to do with how i am feeling, i dont use them much on either site anymore
i am finding i tend to spend most of my time in the north east chat room with people who are in my area.
i have spent the last 18 months travelling all over the country to meet people, and i have met some fantastic people, one or two who will remain special friends no matter what.
so, is it just me or do others go through this feeling, is it like seasons it changes and goes in circles.
this isnt a look at me post, i am genuinely interested to know if anyone else goes through this phase as i am seriously considering my place here right now.
Earthy xx
You're not the only one. This place isn't like it used to be, but don't ask me what the difference is. Some of the people who were around when I first joined have gone, and they'll never be exactly replaced. But is the tone different, or is it just me?
I sometimes feel like a comet. I'll hang around for a while, then the place will lose its attraction and I'll go. Then later, I'll be back, and there'll be a whole new group of people I don't know. Whether I find that intimidating or exciting depends on how I feel at the time.
You're new to me, even though I remember seeing your name (and your signature) on the forum during my last orbit.
never have been one to feel particularly a *part* of things in the first place here...
though sometimes, almost on a day to day basis, I can feel involved/seperate/anonymous/a pest... take your pick
so, I guess it could all well be a mixture of we feel at any given time, and the sites *feel* to us will be reflected accordingly... maybe
Sometimes i think its good to reasess your situation. Take a long look from the back seat. Life is full of forks in the road and change should always be approached with an open mind. Having gad some time in swinging and on the websites at least you can be sure you experienced things which some may never get chance to. And! you can always do it again !!!!! if you want. I hope whatever you do you find something in it for yourself and may your god go with you.
I feel tired sometimes. Like now. For a while actually and I have hardly been back 5 minutes.
I don't know if it is just a phase or what. I'm just kind of going with it.
again can i just re-iterate, it i'm not having a go about the site changing, its the whole community that the site is part of along with the others i use
Maybe the problem is that you did too much, too fast. You certainly exploded onto the site / scene with a bang, attended loads of socials, loads of postings on the forums and made lots of friends.
Possibly now its becoming "samey" not so much of a thrill anymore? I've seen the same thing happen in various walks of life. People put loads of effort into something new and then "burn-out".
Perhaps easing back a bit until you get your enthusiasim (sp?) back will help?
John & Shel
that could be more along the lines of what I was thinking also...
again, not the site, or the people, but at certain points, what is happeneing is exactly what tickles your fancy, and as with everything, I guess the appetite gets sated to a degree, whether realised or not... that could be the point at which feelings of *fitting in* or not etc etc could surface...
a bit like, should your taste be for steak this evening... if it were there beautifully served, it'd be the best meal you could have had... and you may well fancy something similar within the next few days... however... every day???... i think not...
but you'll still wish to eat, so return to the table... even if the appetite is not particularly piqued...
did I just say piqued?
I'd better get oudaherrre
as newbies - we welcome the 'older' members as without you the place would lose it's track in the vast cosmos of life.
without you, no one would know how to 'behave' and the comunity as a whole would lose out. the only danger with this is that cliques could form where newcommers find it hard to break-in - but - the common sense of more experienced members would/should off-set that.
there - hope that makes sense :shock:
I know exactly how you feel. When I first joined I was immediatly enveloped by this place and loved it. Jumped right into munches so I could meet people ... in fact as dark pointed out "We have turned you into a munch whore"
Then I backed off and came back and backed off and came back ... etc.
Some of the times I backed off due to mistakes I had made and needed to breath. Once due to certain members making me uncomfortable but then that happens in life no matter what the setting. Other times I backed off due to family situations.
Each time when I came back I felt refreshed although maybe not as eager as when I first joined and I think some of that is that you are only ever the new girl once. I hope that makes sense. I am not saying in anyway that people snubbed me when I came back or anything but it's just a fact around here that new single fems are like gold and once you are no longer 'fresh meat' and more like a piece of furniture it's a little different. I have to say though ... I do prefer being the comfy chair instead of a leg of lamb.
Ah crap ... it all makes sense in my head anyway.
Love ya Dark and if you need to take some time away to breath we all understand.
Being relatively new to the scene, we first joined back in february 2006, we were very enthusiastic for the first nine months, we didnt really post back then, we just enjoyed our meets. We did have a break for a few weeks from november I think. I dont know exactly why. We just sort of lost touch with it all, we needed that break. I dare say that we will all need a break from time to time, in most things that we do, and thinking about the intensity that swinging can bring it does get overwhelming at times.
I hope that you dont stay away completley though because I do love to read your posts.
Louise xx