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Do you have an "our song"

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I have just been browsing the varying subjects here in the café and noticed the huge amount of threads regarding music. It would appear that there are a lot of music fans on here.
We have threads about sad songs, happy songs, songs to shag by etc etc.
However I could not find a thread regarding if people had an “our song”.
Do people (I suppose couples) have a particular song that when played they think of each other?
Or maybe this is just an old fashioned thing?
Probably a soppy question, but I am a soppy sod anyway.
almost everyon I know has a song that I have dedicated to them that reminds me of them.
The list is too long to go through.
"Blackbird" by the Beatles is the one I remember John (my partner) by cos he sings it all the time.
"Right next to the right one" Tim Christensen is "our song"
A whole group of friends I made while living away are known by the song "chiwowa" (sp?) cos it's what we sang when we got drunk! lol
Ahh the good old days.
Slide Away - Oasis
We've got two - Ride of the Valkyries by Wagner and Night on a Bare Mountain by Mussorgsky - 'cos we met on Halowe'en. lol :lol: OK I know they're not songs. rolleyes
Quote by SilverOne
Slide Away - Oasis

Does that come before or after a tune by Midnight Oil biggrin :D :D evil
Quote by westerross
We've got two - Ride of the Valkyries by Wagner and Night on a Bare Mountain by Mussorgsky - 'cos we met on Halowe'en. lol :lol: OK I know they're not songs. rolleyes

Fabulous - just pure class both of them - at least you wont get distracted by singing along smile
Finally Found Someone - Bryan Adams/Barbra Striesand is our wedding one
I wanna be the only one - Eternal was the song we got engaged too.
Quote by Manolishi
We've got two - Ride of the Valkyries by Wagner and Night on a Bare Mountain by Mussorgsky - 'cos we met on Halowe'en. lol :lol: OK I know they're not songs. rolleyes

Fabulous - just pure class both of them - at least you wont get distracted by singing along smile
Yeah but it's a real challenge trying to shag to 'em. When Mrs TE gets her conductor's baton out I run for it!!
I can play the intro to Sweet Child o' Mine - modern classic - it's actually a lovely soppy love song as well!!
Quote by westerross
I can play the intro to Sweet Child o' Mine - modern classic - it's actually a lovely soppy love song as well!!

Theres a possibilty Silky may sleep with you just for that talent alone !!! :shock: biggrin
sadly no... I want one tho, as it seems what couples, esp. those who've been together as long as we have, do. But we're not married yet, so no wedding song, and there was no song playing when we got engaged or when we met... He did make up new lyrics just for me to U2's "The Sweetest Thing," but he says he only did it cos he hates the song...
Sacrifice by Elton John, but then i felt like one at the time lol
Hope she dont read that! confused
Quote by Norfolk_couple
Starship - Nothings gonna stop us now

That's ours as well biggrin
Quote by Silk and Big G

I can play the intro to Sweet Child o' Mine - modern classic - it's actually a lovely soppy love song as well!!

Theres a possibilty Silky may sleep with you just for that talent alone !!! :shock: biggrin
I'll get practising. Now where's that top hat and black curly wig (those who know me will find the balck curly wig vaguely humorous). By the way I can't sing like Axl - I've lost me testicle squeezer!! :shock:
As long as you dont sing it like G4 its kewl cool
Our song whem we met was Something Changed by Pulp biggrin
Our wedding song was It must Be Love by Madness :inlove:
Quote by Silk and Big G
As long as you dont sing it like G4 its kewl cool

Nup I think we'll take Big G on the vocals and the way Silk's sitting on that bench in the avatar she's definitely on the drums.
There is one song that's struck us both lately but I guess it might not quite qualify as 'ours' and that is Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley.
Nostalgia trip:
Many moons ago, I met a girl under an umbrella. It then took me three years to summon the courage to ask her out. rolleyes
So if you know the lyrics to Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic, you'll know why it became 'our song'.
Quote by Ice Pie
Nostalgia trip:
Many moons ago, I met a girl under an umbrella. It then took me three years to summon the courage to ask her out. rolleyes
So if you know the lyrics to Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic, you'll know why it became 'our song'.

awwww.... that's tooth-rottingly adorable. and it's the first song I learned the bass line too...
ms. ocky
Oddly enough me and mrs davej don't have an 'our song' but 'Oh girl' by the Chi Lites will always give me that special warm feeling of my very first love, who despite being some 30 years in the past, still touches me now and then. If I stick the track on, press the repeat button, close my eyes and really concentrate, I can just float away on the memories.......I can also go very dizzy if I close my eyes real tight but that isnt her fault it's an age thing.
The theme tune to Tarzan - by Phil Collins I think. You'll be in my heart
After sharing this song with me, I wasn't in his heart very long............. the bastard mad :lol2:
angel interceptor - Ash
Hiya to you all,
Me and my wife have a song, theme from robin hood prince of thieves, by brian adams,
6 weeks after we met, she went to canada to work as a nanny, she was there a year, that was 1991, brian adams had just got to no.1.
We will be married 2 years this month!!!!
And they say long distance relationships never last!!
Quote by pNh
Hiya to you all,
Me and my wife have a song, theme from robin hood prince of thieves, by brian adams,
6 weeks after we met, she went to canada to work as a nanny, she was there a year, that was 1991, brian adams had just got to no.1.
We will be married 2 years this month!!!!
And they say long distance relationships never last!!

It felt like it was no 1 in the UK for about a year!!!
With all of the excitement of the Masters going on I did not mention mine.
Has to be Hungry Eyes by Eric Carmen.
The song itself is pretty good, but every time I listen to those words there is only one special person that I immediately think of.
For my best friend and me -
No Woman No Cry - her
Whole of the Moon - me
For tim - Flowers in the window
So not an our song as such but still....
"Moonshadow" & "Sitting", both by Cat Stevens, as was probably quite evident to anyone here who attended our wedding. :love:
~Reese! surprised
gangsters paradise