....I was going to make a long post about sycophants, sensationalists, hypocrites and other stuff that would have has an S on the end.
Oh, and unfairness and a lack of even handedness, that has an s....pocket mods- another s there too.
However, with the exception of the posts of the few, this place is now, in my opinion, tiresome.
It's lost it's spark.
So whilst there was going to be a bang rather than a whimper, a whimper feels more apt.
To the dear friends I've made whilst here- it will make little difference.
To those of you who are not belligerent fuckwits (so ban me, I swore ) I bid you a fond adieu.
I'll be gone by the time this is read/locked/deleted - "persuade me to stay & feed my ego" threads are so last year.
A fond farewell to the "Winchwench."