:shock: What!... no way!....
I'm gutted to see you're leaving here, but as your friend I know I'll still be in touch via other means, I also know you're not the type to be disuaded (sp?)..
You know I'll miss you here :cry:
Very sad - she was quality but then it is her choice and she's made it.
Diff'rent strokes I guess.
Thats a big shame :-( Luck to you and yours WW
wtf have i missed :shock: :shock: :shock:
is this a wind up?
jeez, i feel like ive slept for 6 months....yet Ive been here all along...but have no fecking clue whats going on!
is jeremy beadle going to jump out????
what a bloody nice spoke to me in chatrooms and was always polite and witty.
A damn shame.
I just hope i can bump into you again sometime soon lady.
So sorry to see you go Winchwench xxx
well i suppose its cos winchy had a lot of friends in here Novice
nope zeddies, apparently not!
This is exactly what is pissing me off with this site at the moment. Petty arguments that just aren't needed are far to common.
Please people, if you don't like a thread, don't post in it!
Winchwench can leave the site however she chooses, quietly or naked on a white horse. It is her decision alone.