I have to read lots of reference books at work but ashamed to say I dont read any kind of books at home, with the exception of map books
i read lots of books, always have at least one on the go and they are always crime/thriller type books
most of my reading is done during the week when garys at work
I used to read most nights but have found since having trouble with my eyes I havent done it as much of late. I used to like to snuggle under the covers with book in hand but glasses get in the way.
I'm reading all the time at the minute, books, internet topics, journals, you name it. It's part of my study and to be honest sometimes I feel all :crazy: with it all.
We both love to read & have loads of books we just cant get rid of.....
The nice thing is our local co-op has a book table run by the local animal charity & at 50p a book once its been read it can go back on the table for the next person to enjoy & i've done me bit for wayward puppies & the such like...
I tend to have few different books on the go.
Depending on my mood, I like to be able to just dip into to them.
Most of the fiction I read is fantasy or sci-fi. I find popular science books interesting. And read other stuff like biographies if the person is of interest to me. Sometimes I even read the odd self help book.
Recently I've been considering wether to get a
subscription to an ebooks service for some of the reference books I might use relating to my work.
I have far too many books, read at least one a week and have 2 or 3 'coffee table' books on the go. I've got 2 bookcases full to bursting of the books I will never part with such as the complete Discworld series, 8 Michael Moorcock Chronicles ( one signed by the man himself :smug: ) all my Dad's old local history books and all my faves plus lots of hardbacks on stuff that interests me like the natural world, spiritualism et al.
I dread to think how many I've given to the charity shops over the years ( oh the trees I've helped destroy! :shock: )
I have to say i read loads when i get the chance, and will read most nights before i go to bed even if its for 15-20 mins. Curenntly re-reading lord of the rings trilogy but he has just got a new book published.
Yes I know Tolkien is dead but this book was all but finished and his son has put it together, and i'm reading like mad to finish Two Towers so I can start this one.
I really do think reading helps mental agility, and would like to think that even a few minutes a day/ every few days would help people that find it difficult to read.
Howdy folks!
I love reading, I just never seem to have enough time!
I'm always too tired by the time I get to bed!
I always have 3 or 4 books on the go at once, and when we go on holiday i'm always right up at the baggage allowance becuase of the number i read.
I used to hate reading at school, I suppose I didn't know the kind of books I liked!
Maz xx
I love reading.
The worst time in my life was when my son was small and I was too tired to read - for 3 solid years I didn't have the energy to so much as lift a book. I'm convinced it contributed to my mild depression at the time - no escape you see.
Now (he is 21 this year) I read every night. I hardly ever get rid of books and have hundreds. I also love reference books - for some reason being surrounded by information just makes me happy. And the current Medieval series of programmes on BBC 4 this season is going to cost me an absolute fortune.
To my shame I haven't used my library card for about 10 years.
I love reading. My favourite motto is 'if you can read, you can do anything' and I repeat it frequently to my class. I don't get to read as much as I'd like, except when I'm on holiday. I can easily read a book in a day then, though. I like historical fiction and horror books most, but will read almost anything.
I have boxes full of books at school; my bookshelves there are heaving with books for the children. We have loads of books here at Chez FB - all the family reads avidly. Loads of them are boxed and stashed away because we can't bear to part with them. The kids and MrFB read and re-read their books but I only tend to read a book once, unless it's for reference.
I read a book or three a week.
I just love books.