Could I shoot one in the arm rather than kill them? You didn't specify kill them.
I suppose this is going to lead onto something else. But I'd shoot one of the indians, try and get him somewhere safe, and save them all.
I would shoot one, but choose by asking who was the oldest and who had also taken the most lives themselves.
Still looking hot Kaz xxxxx
Moralistic thought experiments! On a Tuesday morning! Tsk!
This is a logic v morality issue really. Do you kill one life to save nineteen, or kill none and know that while you did not bloody your own hands, because of your inaction nineteen others have died needlessly?
Mr Spock would obviously look at this and find the oldest, frailest Indian and shoot them and let the others go free. This of course makes him guilty of cold-blooded murder however you want to look at it.
However if Mr Spock's logic suddenly deserted him in a whiff of Vulcan smoke, and he refused to kill one person, then his in-actions have led directly to the needless death of another nineteen.
Could you cope that knowing you killed one person, but saved nineteen from death, or that you killed none by your actions, but by your inactions, twenty died. Nineteen needlessly?
I'd like to think I'd be brave enough to follow Duncans and Mr Spock's lead and kill one to save nineteen. I fear that I'd be too weak to follow this through and condemn nineteen to a needless death by an act of totally selfish and inaccurate form of moral cowardice and self-preservation. The only solace I can take from the thought of killing one person is that one persons death is the best possible scenario for everyone, regardless of whether I do the killing or not and regardless of my own personal distate.
The other alternative of course is the Rambo theory. Take the gun and shoot the person ordering you to kill the Indian. Now in your fantasy, you then free the Indians, see off the remaining baddies and ride off in the sunset to father gorgeous children with some young, nubile squaw. The reality is however, that if you did that, you and the Indians would all die under a hail of bullets from the other townsfolk and however illogical that may seem, it may well appeal to some.
mexico? Fiesta? Would this be the Day of the Dead?
in which case a few dead bodies would be the order of the day?
the point is there's a fiesta on and we need to party!!!!!!!
First are the Indians guilt of anything, other than being Indians?
If one is; kill him!
If all are let them be hung.
If none are would I be killing under duress, am I guilt of anything by killing?
To kill one would mean that nineteen go free and the 19 have a chance to return later, to dispense justice on the town.
Could I save 20 by killing the mayor?
The answer would probably be, if all are innocent, kill one, a volunteer. Get the 19 to safety. Then return and wipe out the Mayor and his evil minions.
anyway you are supposed to shoot first, then ask all the clever questions.
I'd ask if I could hang him instead! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I'm a great believer in using what you're best at. I'd drink the locals under the Tequila Table...and leg it with the condemned.
if someone puts you in a position to make choices like that then they and all they love deserve to die.
and die badly
Take the gun, shoot the Mayor.
At the end of the day the farmers win.:cool:
I would not kill anyone... unless of course they were laughing at my mule......(clint Eatswood, for a few dollars more)