Do you think mind programming is why more don’t admit to want others?
Sorry a little deep thought for a Sunday morning.
I have come a long way from my own thoughts a few years ago when I believed to have or lust to have sex with another was so wrong not that I have ever wanted to have sex in that time with others, as for 28 years I never looked at another man as I was with the man I have always loved.
A few years ago after discussions together about the possibility of my hubby offering me the choice to have other men it awoke other thought processes that was hard to understand at first, but the thoughts also excited me. I was being offered if I wanted it the chance to not only have the person I loved there with me, but to have the experience of others to if I wished.
I realised that you could also have sex out of lust for others, but the love for my hubby is his. My mind has been reprogrammed and liberated.
Is this so wrong, when we look at sex the act is very natural it is part of nature after all we come from the animal kingdom.
Should we really be expected only to experience sex with one partner for years?
I also believe there are many people that programming is the only reasons they would not admit they would like to try this to.
What are your views?
I believe liberated minds would extract the tabooness of the whole thing.
I think the notion of monogamy is ingrained in societal norms, culture and religion and as such, we all grow up in a world where this belief is a central tenet to what is a 'decent society'. This has come about after centuries of modelling by religious leaders, culture and indeed the innate fear of being 'different'.
It is amusing to think that we are avowed believers in that monogamy is right and yet the vast majority of the rest of the animal world, doesn't practice it. Some do, and when they do, David Attenborough usually tells us in soft gentle towns, with the accompaniment of gentle strings and harps, about how these animals mate for life... and we sigh and think how sweet. When in actual fact, they and we are the freaks of nature.
Also biology calls into question whether this was actually the right way forward. Sir Robert Winstone presented a series on this a while back. It actually put camera's (don't ask me how) inside a woman and filmed her as she had sex. It showed that sex with her partner didn't produce the same reactions as sex with another that her cervix would 'dip' into his pooled sperm, facilitating its easier passage into her womb. This happened because, presubambly she was more excited and orgasmic with a new man, than her partner.
The upshot of this could therefore be that if a woman wanted to get pregnant, she should have sex with as many different partners as possible. It has also been found that different sperm 'compete' with each other in the womb, ensuring that only the strongest make it to the egg. This would ensure her offspring would tenbd to come from a stronger gene pool and have the best chance of survival. It's natural selection in a microcosm.
At its core this is also nature v nurture debate. There's plenty of evidence in nature that monogamy is not normal and perhaps even detrimental to a womans chances of procreation. Nurture however is teaching her that this is not as important as finding a sexual partner for life. For men, it is simply about him furthering his genes. The best way for him to do that is have as many people take them as is humanly possible.
I think swinging is popular because it appeals to the natural animal instincts within us and sates their desire, without the rather tiresome moralising of "society" judging you for it, all without the need to betray the feelings of a loved one (if you are with a partner). The fact it is somewhat and judged as wrong by many. also adds to its attraction for some.
It offers a bridge between taking the moral stance of monogamy as good and right, and perhaps fulfilling a natural need to enjoy sex with others on a more fundamental, animalistic level. There's also the added bonus that it's bloody good fun and that we have evolved to find aspects of it, such as seeing our partner with someone else, attractive too.
So Minxy, you may well be programmed by society to think one way, but you are programmed by your genes to think another too. Whoever wins the battle will decide whether you are a swinger or not.
Hmmmm this one is interesting. I too have had a massive thought change in my life. I can remember a time when I was some what younger, (I have mentioned this in another thread), that I would have become very jealous if a partner was receiving attention from another man.
Now I get massive thrill and turn on from watching my wife having sex with another man, the more she enjoys the sex, the more tuned on I become, at one time in my life this would have been unthinkable, now I can hardly wait for the next time.
Was it social programming that made me think that way in my youth? I am not sure; I think much of the change came from being in a loving and trusting relationship.
Swinging is a fun and social activity that we use to enhance our own special sex lives, hope that make any sense?
If I tried to analyse to much why I like swinging I think I'd give up. I just take it for what it is and thats an enjoyable escape from day to day life. Not worth the head fuck going to deep.
I think a lot of peoples thought processes, moral standards and actions are governed by social programming by the various 'powers', peoples peer groups, the popular media and various other influences on peoples lives.
Some are pretty obvious, such as not killing, others seem more to be in place to control, constrain and make the masses easier to manipulate as required.