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Do you wannabe...famous?

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Do you wanna be famous?

Inspired by a line in a song I just heard "Everyone wants to be famous"- do they? Really?
I don't. Without a doubt I would loathe it. I've run a mile from it on the couple of occasions I've been asked to give interviews/ seen a local news camera etc.
It's not a "shrinking violet" thing though, I've done am-dram, been sawn apart on stage, played an outgoing role to entertain upwards of 60/70 people at a time etc...but the thought of fame, and all the grief that goes hand in hand with it? No way Jose. confused
What are your thoughts? Am I just weird? (We've ascertained the weird- it's the just that's the issue.)
If you do crave fame, I'm interested to know why...
Being famous is the ambition of so many of our population it seems.
What they don't seem to get is that you have to be famous FOR something. Doing something unique (land speed record), doing something beautiful (Mona Lisa or great singer), doing something useful (invent jet engine). Being famous without doing anything out of the ordinary is not being famous it's being a celebrity - an empty object of zero value.
What makes me sad os these young people are not taken out and shown what REAL fame is about - hard work, dedication, effort, self-respect. They think it's easy and no-one seems to be showing them that it isn't.
Hell no! I even cringe when I see women being subjected to a strip a gram and the attention THAT brings - I freak and run a mile if I had to go through that so I'd probably be the worst celeb ever!
No thank you. Anonymity suits me fine.
wouldnt mind the money but would hate the invasion of privacy.
I suppose fame would mean you have to give up so much of the things you love because of the media attention ... imagine the sunday papers after you'd been to a club on a sat night???
I'd be quite happy to be famous for doing something amazing for humankind - a cure for this or that, an end to some evil...
Quote by TheLovelyOne
I'd be quite happy to be famous for doing something amazing for humankind - a cure for this or that, an end to some evil...

I agree, being famous for being famous is souless but if I discovered how to stop global climate change and got a nice big pile of money into the bargine! Then I could live with it!
In the past i would have yes go for it never had a problem with being the centre of attention LOL but now no way too much gutter snipping by the press once they built you up, then to make sure they get there monies worth they print the shit to put you down again.
just give me the money and i will live a quietish private life. cool
I'd rather chew my own leg off.
I would rather stick my dibbler in a mincer.
Quote by Resonance
I'd rather chew my own leg off.

I bet people would pay to watch that!
Quote by The_third_man
I'd rather chew my own leg off.

I bet people would pay to watch that!
Do you think so? Even if I took out my teeth and had to feverishly gum my way through the bone and muscle...
Each to their own. Mind you, I'm sure many would Enjoy the Silence. Depeche Mode for one.
I wouldn't even want to be famous for doing something astounding for the good of the planet. I'd hate to walk down the street and be stared/pointed at. I wouldn't want to have a lot of money, because it always seems to go hand-in-hand with infamy if not fame. I'm happy(ish) as I am, thankyou.
how are we describing famous ?
I'd rather be infamous. biggrin
Would be happy to be rich but not famous biggrin Money does not make you happy but it can buy the things that do. Ive been without money and Ive had money and I'll take the having money anytime (not talking any large amounts here). Would be quite happy to be anonymously rich.
Quote by splendid_
how are we describing famous ?

I'm thinking even easier to recognise than you after the fireplace incident... rolleyes
In other words being noticed/recognised/photographed/talked about yadda yadda...
I've been described as "infamous" in certain circles. lol
Quote by splendid_
how are we describing famous ?

you................ :mrgreen:
Can't deny it..i have an yes..I'ade love to be famous !!
Quote by deancannock
Can't deny it..i have an yes..I'ade love to be famous !!

become a plant then............ rolleyes
I've been in the local paper this week lol ?
No seriously I wouldn't mind if it was for a real erm, winnin big bruvver or somefink rolleyes
i suppose it depends on what i would be famous for... finding the cure to Cancer and the solution to making world peace work is something i could handle being famous for.... but if you mean famous in a celeb kina way.. then that has no interest.
I'm a VERY private person, and have always been, so would hate people to be looking into my every move and knowing things about me before i even did. not only that i hate being centre of attention too. rather be one of these people that view the world from the corner of the room.
If I was to be famous it would have to be due to a worthwhile achievment, preferably something to the benifit of mankind.
Having said that I'd miss being able to walk to streets unrecognised. Therefore it would have to be something really good and not for the attention seeking that so many 'Z' list 'celebrites' crave. That's not fame that's just crass and what these people don't seem to realise is that once the press who created them no longer make money from their antics and photos then they become expendable.