yes think everyone does, those that dont they are liers, in fact just thinking of it is giving me a throbbing cock, and there no one here to satisfy it, so what do i do........oh yes i have a WANK!!!!!
We have only have a little car but then again we are both little people. Where there's a will there's a way. I have to say, it was a lot more comfortable when we had a bmw.
Having a quick look at the highway code about wanking all I can see so far is its ok provided you give the "appropriate signal and check your mirrors before jerking off" Also only wank in the "distance you can see to be clear and be able to stop and remember you MUST always slow down in bad conditions " You must " Give consideration to other road (ab)users e.g horse riders motorcyclists and pedestrian wankers. Probably not a good idea to wank near schools or children and only wank in front of a police officer when directed to do so. When on the Motorway if you have a excessive or abnormal load you should stop and await a police escort.
ps if you wank on the continent remember to use your other hand.