does it really matter, I don't think so.
I would say though that if you encounter someone who wants to be judgemental about appearances, run away!
judgemental people are not likley to be nice people in my opinion, so let them go and find some suitably shallow to be judgemental with!
funny that you never here the mored cuddly folks of the world saying to the skinny ones (err... that'd be me then!)
"Eewww your so skinny, "
To me personally,i dont ex was 20 stone when i met him,and i was a piddly 7 stone.....but we stil had great sex.....and i loved every inch of him.....
Im still skinny now,no tits,no arse....who cares.....i know that i haven't chose to be thin,this is how i have always been,and if people don't like the look of me,then why are they looking!!! You shouldn't care less what people think of you,ive been insulted about being thin nearly all my life,more so by females,then by guys....there is such a big deal about being thin,that it also makes us thin women think its bad and you only look sexy with fuller breasts and sexy curves....
We should be happy with what we have while we still have it,cos b4 we know it,it will all go south!
T xx
I don't consider myself to be skinny but I have had a few comments in chat that I should eat something and that I'm too thin. I used to be size 18-20 and had to lose weight because of a medical condition so I am quite consious of my weight. I think you just have to appreciate the people that appreciate you and take no notice of the ones who insult you for no other reason than your size, they don't know me, and if that's their attitude I'd rather not give them the opportunity. I like to think that I treat people as people regardless of what size, shape, gender or whatever they are, if they're worth getting to know then what difference does size matter? Saying that I do find taller men much sexier, I have no idea why and I don't think it's a conscious thing.