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Does your wee smell of sugar puffs?

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'Lo all,
I have just been having a conversation with a couple from here, I won't mention their names but they begin with J(ohn) and K(atie).
They asked if the could ask me a personal question, and as usual I was happy to oblige.
Imagine my distress when the question turned out to be
"Does your wee smell of sugar puffs?"
I mean wtf!!! :shock:
On further investigastion, John confessed that whilst releiving himself at work yesterday he noticed an overpowering smell of sugar puffs coming from his pee.
Now that I have stopped laughing.....and am not quite so disturbed, I though I might ask you guys if this has ever happened to any of you? Could this be a serious problem or is John delusional and thinks he is the Honey Monster?lol
Any ideas guys? confused
Answer to both your questions is "NO"
rolleyes :roll: :roll: :roll:
OH this is sooooooooooooooooo borrowed
smackbottom :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom:
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
nice one u B*****d
Sex God
Yep. Often said it.
Sex God
for some strange reason i remember the same conversation i have when i was training for the job i do now...
there was a mysterious note to claim that is was true.......
the same thing can be said for anti-biotics......
obviously there is going to be some SH scientist out there who can give us the reason why...
sean xxxxxxxx
Do peeps actual smell there pee :shock:
bloody hell this Site going down hill from farts smell of pee now :doh:
ooo whats the world coming too confused
i thought it only smelled of sugar puffs when u ate them alot confused:
Warming the Bed
omg iv been saying this for like yeaaaaaaaars n years, finally someone who aggrees with me! its the same smell as when the sugar puffs have got warm from bein in a hot place n stuck together, in a strange pissy kind of way
hes not insane i tell you, or me and him are (no comments please:P)
Generally pee should not have a strong smell apart from first thing in the morning but of course the smell depends on what one has eaten, e.g. spicy foods, cabbage, onions, cauliflower, alcohol and the amount of water one consumes in a typical day.
If peeing is not associated with a feeling of burning and/or discomfort, the smell is most likely attributable to what one had eaten previously (including any medications). Should such a feeling exist, a simple swab test will prove if there is a urinary tract infection or not. If there is a UTI, it can be transferred sexually.
UTIs are easily treated with antimicrobial drugs when caught at the beginning and mild ones can be cured by drinking tons of cranberry juice and rinsing the affected area with chamomile.
PS, in case anyone is worried, you can't mistake a UTI for anything else. You won't get burning or pain unless one is present so even the mildest discomfort in passing urine is a good clue! Also if you have a UTI you will feel the need to empty your bladder frequently, to the point it gets socially embarrassing with you going in and out of the loo. The more you ignore it, the worse it gets, by the way.
Warming the Bed
Well I know mine does when I've eaten Sugar Puffs ...and I know the wife's does too. What more eveidence is needed!
Thought it was just me who was weird .... cos sometimes mine smells of toast :silly:
and occasionally of Toffee dunno blink :confused:

I kid you not ! :laughabove: innocent
Baked apple, I 've thought it since I was a kid, not all of the time though, just occasionally.
Quote by marmalaid
Baked apple, I 've thought it since I was a kid, not all of the time though, just occasionally.

And i thought it was your hair ( shampoo ) redface lol wink
I don't think I've had sugar puffs - not for years anyway - and this thread has certainly put me off trying them sad
Sex God
Quote by lil_miz_naughty_0204
I hate sugar puff, they are horrible :uhoh:

Warming the Bed
Certainly thesmell of urine changes depending on its chemical composition so if you eat a lot of sugar puffs (why) then you pee could smell and or taste of them (but why check). a common example is beetroots turning your pee red.
If the smell is not associated with eating sugar puffs, sugar in your pee could be a possibility espesially if you spray from a hieght creating water droplets which you breath in and smell, their could be little crystally deposits in the areas of overspray when they dry. If this is the case you may be developing diabetes and you should seek medical attention to eliminate this before further symptoms develop.
Warming the Bed
i might go to see tony robbins...!
But what does it mean if your Sugar Puffs smell like pee? biggrin :D
Quote by Badger
But what does it mean if your Sugar Puffs smell like pee? biggrin :D

You ran out of milk!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: confused :?
Warming the Bed
eating asparagus!!!!lol that makes your pee smell weird...try it!
Hi Jed/Fiona wave :wave: :wave:
Have you still not found the top of that avatar?? :shock: :shock: confused :? lol wink
Warming the Bed
lol no!!!!! the others are ok that one ????????? rolleyes
Quote by Badger
But what does it mean if your Sugar Puffs smell like pee? biggrin :D

:laughabove: :evil2:
OK, I know John_n_Katie will be checking this John, from the advice given, it seems that you have either a UTI, the onset of diabetes or you eat too many bloody sugar puffs!!!
When I suggested putting your ailment/wierdness (delete as appropriate) on a thread to find some answers, I bet you wish you hadn't said "You wouldn't dare!"
I always would! lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
Seriously though, there is some good advice here guys. I hope it is purely that you eat too many of the bloody things!
.....and as for some of you guys that have pee that smells of different things...I have to ask, how do you know? confused :lol:
personally, mine smells like amonia mixed with cabbage mixed with sawdust....just like every other normal person!
Quote by drawist
If the smell is not associated with eating sugar puffs, sugar in your pee could be a possibility espesially if you spray from a hieght creating water droplets which you breath in and smell, their could be little crystally deposits in the areas of overspray when they dry. If this is the case you may be developing diabetes and you should seek medical attention to eliminate this before further symptoms develop.

Nah, I don't think that sugar has a smell that can be easily detected by the nose. And also, sugar puffs doesn't smell of sugar either. I doubt that he has diabetes.
Theres been alot of good suggetions already. If there was pain/discomfort during uination, then a UTI is the most likely culprit. Alternatively, it could be something as simple as the person being dehydrated and urine being more concentrated.
My pee smells of a 3-course meal. Anyone got any ideas biggrin
Warming the Bed
:twisted: after a good vindaloo you should smell my arse....lovely makes me want another wink
Quote by PeBbLeSDeMoN
i thought it only smelled of sugar puffs when u ate them alot confused:

As a result of extensive research................... I can confirm this revelation biggrin . Yes, when I eat sugar puffs my pee smells of them. Next question please. rolleyes
Sex God
OK - impropmptu poll: Who hasn't been just utterly turned-on by this thread?! ;)
~Reese! surprised