Not dogging in cars, but the actually thing of having a dog in the car.
I was driving home from work today and in front of me was a women driving her jack russle dog having free run of the car.
at times it was up on teh parcel shelf then jumping straight through to the passenger seat and at times directly on her lap.
the speed limits vary form 30 to 60 mph.
Am i the only person who thinks this is a really stupid thing to do?
for several reasons..
if the car has to stop suddenly the dog could either be propelled into the front seat driver or passenger causing injury or straight out of the window.
it has to be distracting to have an animal jumping around the car and onto your lap while trying to drive, therin not only placing yourself at risk and the dog but all other road users.
so i was wondering if you love your dog why wouldnt you make sure they were kept safe?
and if you dont why dont ?
no offence ment, but it really bloody frustrates me.
xx fem xx
No, you are right. There's no excuse for it and it is 100% stupid. It endangers the 'loved' pet, the human occupants of the car and everyone else within crashing distance of the car.
It constantly amazes me how people who would be adamant that they love their pet, endanger them in this and other ways.
I agree with this post. Although the same goes with smoking while driving your car or using a mobile phone. Smoking frustrates me... how the hell can you drive properly with a fab in your hand?? then having to flick your ash out the window??. Guess that's why the rules are there. It's just a shame more people don't follow them Kinks x x
A safety seat belt restraint for dogs costs about on ebay, delivered. It is required by rule 57 of the Highway Code (as already pointed out by meat2pleaseu) but it is common sense to restrain your dog, when in a vehicle, regardless.
I believe that a test and a license should be required to keep a pet. I also believe that many pets are more intelligent than the humans who "own" them.
It is my understanding it is mandatory to have dogs restrained while riding in a car either by way of a dog guard or by a seat belt....
There is no law against smoking in charge of a vehicle............yet. So no rules have been broken.
The Highway Code does not reference the guidance to any RTA legislation except to the smoking legislation but that is to do with work vehicles and not private cars
The original forum post was about pets being a distraction and that it frustrates fem_4_taboo, I just added that smoking and mobile phone use frustrates me. Experience or not I still see it as a distraction and yes maybe its not a straight £30 fine but if you refer to the Highway Code it states :
148: Safe driving and riding needs concentration.
Avoid distractions when driving or riding such as:
loud music (this may mask other sounds)
trying to read maps
inserting a cassette or CD or tuning a radio
eating and drinking
The Highway Code does not make it a specific offence to smoke while driving, any more than it is currently an offence to change a cassette, read a map or eat.
However, if any of these behaviours are coupled with bad driving, or lead to an accident, a charge of careless driving, or not being in a position to control the vehicle becomes a distinct possibility.
We bolt our two dogs into the boot using large coach bolts through their necks ..... I have my hands tied to stop me smoking whilst driving,I'm also usually gagged and blindfold to avoid any distractions .......Better safe than sorry
im not sure about the smoking thing, i know people that do will say its only putting your fingers to your lip, but what about lighting up, holding it for 3 min ? (i dont know how long it takes to smoke a fag) not having full grip of the wheel in case of emergancy stop, or while serching to stub it out ?
also the smoke getting in your eyes or dropping a hot fag in your lap.?
i had a situation where a van threw out his fag while driving past me, it came in throughmy window, landed on the back seat and i had to, stop asap to remove the burning fag.
excuse my typing and fag rather than cigerette but just had hand op and its hard typing one handed, now know what most men here deal with lol
xx fem xx
oh and my origional point is why not ensure your dog is safe as you would a child?
Smoking in a car is certainly safer than driving round a ring road in rush hour traffic - not all that fast but a hell of a lot of lane swapping - while applying mascara! Some people should simply have their cars and licenses removed - on the spot.
Personally we blame all those damn nicotine addicted basset hounds who just won't stop smoking whilst they are being transported, unrestrained in their owners cars - and you know what?
The buggers just won't stop messing with the CD players and sat-navs - is this an addiction also?
And while we're at it the labrador insists on eating his ice-cream cone and operating the windscreen wipers at the same time - should we chastise him? or buy him a new bone?
Oh - and don't get us started on the fekkin cats - just cos it's called a jaguar it doesn't mean they're in charge!
Yeah !! But it`s such fun winding smokers up cos they get so defensive and it`s hilarious watching them trying to defend their irresponsible behaviour :giggle:
Most people who do all those other things would probably hold their hands up and admit being a wally but point out how bad it is to smoke and drive and they`ll deny it all, making excuses just like any other addict does.
:evil2: I didnt think me saying ... Smoking frustrates me... how the hell can you drive properly with a fab in your hand?? Would kick up a stink. Ooops sorry