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dose any one else deal with public

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i own a shop and it really dose bother me what people find to moan about these days you feel like sayin GET A FUCKIN LIFE but you carnt has anyone felt the same or is it just me confused
Master of Sex
no it aint just you,i work in a pub and had my own shoe repair and key cutting shop and even if i got god to play alive gig at the local church it wouldnt be bloody good enough mad :x :x :x
Quote by bikerdave
i own a shop and it really dose bother me what people find to moan about these days you feel like sayin GET A FUCKIN LIFE but you carnt has anyone felt the same or is it just me confused

I moan about people who don't use any punctuation, so you'll probably tell me to "GET A FUCKIN' LIFE" lol :lol:
Unfortunately, my work brings me into contact with the public, and they are awful!!
Well not all of them some are great but a small minority are appaling (much like being on here really).
Sex God
Yeah, with you on this one. Life is too short for things people complain about.
Working with the public can really shake your faith in humanity. I used to work weekend nights at a petrol station. Any pissheads or stoners who came in at 2-3am when the clubs closed and pissed me off because they couldn`t function, I used to overcharge by a quid, and buy myself a scratchcard :twisted:
Fair`s fair :mrgreen:
Warming the Bed
I work for the NHS and on a daily basis have to deal with all sorts of shit, quite often being spat at by some alcoholic druggy bollox mad . Then again i also get to meet some really amazing people aswell surprised
I to used to work with the Public and yes I used to get to the stage where i felt like screaming 'Oh for gods sake bugger off home',
The old dears that didnt have much contact with people outside i used to have more patience with
But the Victor Meldrews of this world I have little patience for they just moan for the sake of moaning.
Id sooner smile and enjoy each day but then thats me
iam glad iam not the only one but i can say so far on here they have been all nice people i suppose thats because we arnt trin to be somthing we aint sorry about the punctuation and spelling
I work with students every day. As time goes on, my patience with the more fuckwitted ones wears thinner, and my cynicism and sarcasm levels rise in inverse proportion.
As a result, I have long since ceased to be polite when dealing with the minority of oiks, I just tell it to them as it is..... Put f**k all into it, get f**k all out of it. It's their choice.
They tend to grasp concepts more readily if they are spelt out at a grass-roots level.......
On the whole though, I do not have to resort to such drastic measures...... Just once in a while....
Rick biggrin
Sex God
Fed up with the number of people who shout and turn violent when they don't get their own way.
I've been in my job for 14 years and in the first 10 of those I can remember having to call the police to 3 customers who were threatening. In the last 2 years we've had to call them 5 time. This might not sound like much, but we do wait until it's absolutely essential before we hit the panic button.
Some members of the public just dehumanise people who are there to "serve" them and treat them like crap. You go out of your way to help them and they still fucking moan and bitch about what you've done.
What with the ones that threaten you with court (just because they THINK they know their rights) and the ones that drag members of staff over counters to hit them, it's no wonder people like me want to leave this appauling workplace and try and find something where we don't have to deal with the public in any way, shape or form.
We don't get paid enough for this type of crap!
Sex God
Oh Easy's job sounds really dreadful.
I suppose part of the problem is that, if you do work with the public, then, much of the satisfaction you get from you job is brought about by your interaction with them. I love my business and am very proud of it. I need the public to make a success of it and when they leave happy or compliment me on it I'm walking on air.
However when the balance tips and you are dealing with more moans than anything else it becomes thankless. I take complaints very personally and the worst comment I've ever had was "you just don't care" which actually made me cry :cry:
After years and years of doing it I've realised that I'm not cut out for being a "servent" and am unhappy that people treat me as one - which they do all the time. So time for a career change for me I think. And am feeling particularly stroppy...... I wonder if Easy has any vacancies. :twisted:
mmmmmm red deals with the public all the time .......i normally see them when their sick or just in need of a little t.l.c
i have to be nice in my job
coz thats what im paid for wink
so when they bite me .......kick me ......spit at me shall i go on thinks of the money
yes I meet the public every day in my job and its amazing how ignorant some people can be and half the time you can't even talk to them as they won't listen.
Forum Virgin
It's a truth universally acknowledged that a member of the public in search of a slap in the face will ultimately cross your path at some stage. I wholeheartedly agree with all the previous comments - perhaps I can add my favourite 'moan' of recent months.
Last year, me and all my colleagues were made redundant from one of the 'big four' banks. Most of my job had already migrated to India and the rest was moving to another UK location. As part of the fun, we were required to train our UK replacements, who travelled to our city en masse to receive said training, fully accommodated for several months in a rather nice hotel, all expenses paid. Bearing in mind this was a fairly uneasy situation, I am proud to say that we all tried our best to act professionally, train the new bods and get on with the job of trying to move on. One morning, in the middle of a particularly fraught week (try teaching the equivilent of 800 years experience in 6 months; you'll get what I mean), one of the new girls came into work. "Everything going OK?" I asked. "No, not really." she replied. Worried that the training was insufficient, I asked what was wrong. ............................................................The reply? "I really, really don't like the wallpaper in my room." For fuck's sake - I pity anyone who still banks with them!!!
I've got a new job now.
You should all try my favourite from when I was a manager dealing with fuckwits (the public) everyday
It's ' there we are then', ....sir/madam as a response, it's non-committal and if you put the first letter of each word together it spells twat, which is exactly what I was dealing with most days! lol
Sassy x
Its a skill to be able to deal with the public. I have done phone handling work and it got to me several times.
I dont deal with them face to face but via the phone.I now phone businesses where youd think people would be more polite,but no theyre still mainly arseholes mad
I used to work in a supermarket before i became a carer, and i worked on the cake dept, we would make the cakes for our restaurant, one day a customer went into the restaurant and had a scone with jam and cream in it, after the first bite he took out a camera and took a photo of it and complained it was,nt the same as the picture on the menu rolleyes
:doh: dunno
GET A LIFE mad :roll:
so far pms sayin
traffic warden
and teacher all wrong
red none of them
Quote by redstilletto
so far pms sayin
traffic warden
and teacher all wrong
red none of them

I know what you do Red ...........and youre an angel! kiss
Sex God
Quote by redstilletto when they bite me .......kick me ......spit at me shall i go on thinks of the money

Hmmmmm........ (btw if easy thinks of the money, he has a nervous breakdown.. :shock: :shock: I kid you not :cry: )
Quote by niceguysdoexist
so far pms sayin
traffic warden
and teacher all wrong
red none of them

I know what you do Red ...........and youre an angel! kiss
So Reds and "angel" is she........
I'm thinking that it's something to do with public healthcare, maybe a nurse or something along those lines dunno
It all seems so long ago !!
Argh what unpleasant memories come flooding back :confused:
I used to deal with the public on a daily basis.
I still bear the scars on my bottom lip where I have had to bite it very hard on far too regular a basis :eeek:
I now just deal with trade, but unfortunately, the odd unsuspecting member of the public manages to sneak through the nets. blink
Not a pretty sight.
I always used to be over polite which is enough to topple any level headed complainer :doh:
Sex God
To each person with complaints about "The Public", could I just point out that beyond the confines of your profession, you are the public to everyone else. You're moaning about yourselves, and each other. biggrin
(OK, I admit it - I am Jerry Springer rotflmao )
Bloody hell Ice, I was about to point that out! evil
You owe me a post!
(cos I don`t have enough)
Sex God
Quote by Ice Pie
To each person with complaints about "The Public", could I just point out that beyond the confines of your profession, you are the public to everyone else. You're moaning about yourselves, and each other. biggrin
(OK, I admit it - I am Jerry Springer rotflmao )

Yes, but those of us that have been on both sides of the counter do tend to cut the sales staff a lot more slack and not usually threaten to wait for them one night on the way home and break their legs with a baseball bat.
Sex God
Quote by easy
To each person with complaints about "The Public", could I just point out that beyond the confines of your profession, you are the public to everyone else. You're moaning about yourselves, and each other. biggrin
(OK, I admit it - I am Jerry Springer rotflmao )

Yes, but those of us that have been on both sides of the counter do tend to cut the sales staff a lot more slack and not usually threaten to wait for them one night on the way home and break their legs with a baseball bat.
What even the ones having imaginary phone conversations pretending they haven't seen you? mad
Master of Sex
I used to do part-time bar work and found a very simple way to deal with toss pots.
Don't serve them.
Mostly it was working in holiday resorts where it was always packed and my fav was standing behind a very busy bar and shouting "Who's next?".
Several shouts of Me, Me etc........
"Come on. Who's next?"
Then, somebody would catch on and say.
"And one for yourself"
Serve that person first and Bob's your Uncle. lol
(Hendra Newquay circa 1975)
Sex God
Quote by Ice Pie
To each person with complaints about "The Public", could I just point out that beyond the confines of your profession, you are the public to everyone else. You're moaning about yourselves, and each other. biggrin
(OK, I admit it - I am Jerry Springer rotflmao )

Yes, but those of us that have been on both sides of the counter do tend to cut the sales staff a lot more slack and not usually threaten to wait for them one night on the way home and break their legs with a baseball bat.
What even the ones having imaginary phone conversations pretending they haven't seen you? mad
Yep, even those ones. I just walk out and go somewhere else or wait. It's annoying, but you don't know the reason why they are doing it. Could be that they just want 5 mins rest from dealing with people 'cos they've had to deal with a :wanker: for the last 3 hours and they're feeling a little burned out.
Warming the Bed
i work with the public and some are just winders, and some start out badly and then get better.
But you must remember the little gems of gold-dust who are gratefull for the littlest thing you do for them.